Ask Professor Puzzler!
Would you like to ask Professor Puzzler a question? Just fill out the form below. (Hint: you might want to read the advice on "How to get an answer" first!)
Visit the Ask Professor Puzzler blog to see answers to previous questions!
How to Get an Answer
Professor Puzzler receives a fairly high volume of correspondence, and can't answer all the questions he receives. If you want to get an answer, here are some tips to increase your chances that your question will be answered:
- Keep in mind that this is not a "homework help" blog. If your question is so specific that it sounds like a homework question, Professor Puzzler will either ignore it, change the numbers around, or answer only in a "general" sense, so that you still have to do your own homework. Generally, "ignore" is the option he chooses.
- Unfortunately, we don't have time to help everyone decode the secret message or riddle they've found. You can post your riddle/code in the community forum to see if others can help you out. Please note that you need to be a member, and have played at least 5 games on the site in order to post in the forum.
- Please write in complete sentences and clearly explain the context of what you're asking. You'd be amazed if you could see the list of incomprehensible questions the Professor has tossed in the trash can.
- Be courteous. Seriously. Remember that you're not paying the Professor to answer your questions. Don't be demanding, and don't give deadlines! Messages which are rude and/or demanding usually get deleted even before I finish reading them!
- If you've seen a meme on facebook that you want to ask a question about, since you can't upload a picture in this form, head on over to our Facebook page to ask your question!
Who is Professor Puzzler?
Professor Puzzler is actually not one person; he's two! The Professor Puzzler blog is maintained by the site administrator (Doug) and his wife (Laura). Doug is a teacher of math and science at the high school level, and Laura is a proofreader at Portland Proof.
So the answer to the question, "Who is Professor Puzzler?" will vary, depending on whether the blog post is about a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) question or a language question.
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