scrounge: /skrounj/ informal verb: to actively seek [books] from any available source

Animalia, which is written and illustrated by Grame Base, is one of the most wonderful picture book I have ever "read." The pictures are filled with amazing and beautiful details that will keep everyone -- even the adults -- coming back again and again.
For each letter of the alphabet there is a picture filled with images of objects that begin with that letter. A clever alliterative caption describes each picture (for example: Great Green Gorillas Growing Grapes in a Gorgeous Glass Greenhouse).
Not all of the alliterative objects are obvious though. Sometimes Base hides them cleverly, or makes them difficult to see, such as in the form of shadows behind the Ostrich in "O," or reflections on the butterflies' wings in "B."
Can you find them all? Is it possible to know for sure? The level of complexity and insight involved in this book is one thing that keeps drawing readers in, even thirty years after its original publication.
Scrounged From: My husband's book stash
Format: Hardcover
Author/Illustrator: Graeme Base
Pages: 40
Content Advisory: None
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