New Brunswick, King's Landing Historical Settlement
Lesson Plans > Field Trips > Canada > New BrunswickNew Brunswick, King's Landing Historical Settlement

Phone: (506)363-4999
Fax: (506)363-4989
Museum store:]
This walk-around historical museum is located on the St.John River. The children always find it amazing, how we step off the bus, travel through the interpretation center and when we walk through those doors we are in a different time. The guides are dressed in loyalist clothing and have lots of information to share and answers for any question a child could answer about this time in New Brunswick History.
What we like about the museum is that it is a child-friendly place.The children are invited to talk to the workers, touch the items, try the activity, pet the animals.They aren't just reading about or viewing the history of their ancestors, they are participating in it. The students really get an appreciation for the hard work their ancestors had to do and for the the things that they take for granted. When they ask how things work or why it is being done that way, the workers are very patient and interesting in their responses. The children cannot believe there is no tv, no electricity, and a number of the conveniences we take for granted, just aren't there.
The education department at Kings Landing have several programs that go along with the curriculum at various grade levels. We always appreciate how they don't wait to be contacted, we always receive a list of programs for each season and are encouraged to contact them. I have always found them to be very accomodating and enjoy any input or suggestions we have. While children are touching and trying things, they are seeing historically correct artifacts and period costumes and learning valuable and interesting things about how their ancestors lived.
Besides walking around, looking at the historical buildings and viewing the different work that membersof the community are involved in, the children experience many hands on activities that engage even the most "kinesthetic" learners. The children love helping to mix or bake things, tasting homemade taffy and bread, ranking wood, sitting at the little schoolhouse, and spinning the spinning wheel. All the while, hearing all about the hardships and difficulties these people had to endure, and learning about early historical life of the Loyalist people. The workers seem to be part of the period not only in their dress, but their whole being, is part of this time.
One of our most memorable visits was Christmas at King's Landing. The children got to spend Christmas at one of the homes, they were shown the preparations for Christmas, the baking, making gifts, decorations, etc. Then they helped make clove oranges, paper decorations, and popcorn and cranberry garland. They sampled donut balls and brown sugar candy. In the parlor we sang carols a and listened to a Christmas story. Then we all pretended to go to sleep and when we "woke up" there was a stocking of treats for each child. I would never have believed that today children would be thrilled with an orange, a gingerbread boy and a candy cane, but they were!
There is a large area, just outside the visitors center that children can have their lunch,(when we went at Christmas time, we sat on the carpeted area inside the visitors center and had our lunch). There is plenty of room for bus parking as well.
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