Shapes: Arrange the preschool room for math shapes
Lesson Plans > PreschoolShapes: Arrange the preschool room for math shapes

Experience Plan
Arrange the preschool room for Math
Title: Shapes
There are five basic geometric shapes. These are the circle, square, triangle, rectangle and star.
Age: Range: Preschool age 3-4 or 5
This promotes grouping and organizing skills. Children will work together and verbalize as they classify.
Children should learn to recognize shapes by their different characteristics. They should see shapes in books and on flannelboard. They should glue shapes on a collage. They should have shapes in different centers to identify.
a. Materials
Construction paper shapes for wall
Books about shapes
Shape sorters
Food for dramatic play in shape of triangle, circle or square
Flannel board and shapes
Paper, glue, masking tape
Magazine pages with shapes
Shapes already cut out
b. Environment
Books about shapes will be placed in book center along with the flannelboard. I will place a basket in front of the flannelboard with shapes of circle, square, and triangle. One shape of each will be on the flannelboard. The paper, glue, scissors shapes and magazines will be on a table. Food of shapes will be in dramatic center. I will affix masking tape to block center carpet area and music area; in block center for cars to “drive” on, and at music center for children to walk around with music; This tape will be in a shape such as a square or a triangle.
I will place materials around room in appropriate places. Books about shapes will be placed in book center along with the flannelboard. I will place a basket in front of the flannelboard with shapes of circle, square, and triangle. One shape of each will be on the flannelboard. The paper, glue, scissors shapes and magazines will be on a table. Food of shapes will be in dramatic center. I will affix masking tape to block center area and music area. If children want music, I will turn it on and encourage the ones in this area to walk around the shapes. I will tell them the name of the shape. Throughout the day, I will ask them to show me shapes and if they can describe the shape.
Children would have learned the shapes and described the difference. They would have made a shape collage and grouped the shapes on the flannelboard. They would have rolled vehicles on the tape shape and walked or marched on the music center area shape tape. They would recognize the food shapes in dramatic play, such as taco’s are triangles.
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