Using Writing and Visual Arts in History
Lesson Plans > Social Studies > History > WorldUsing Writing and Visual Arts in History
The following Lesson Plan concerns the utilization of writing, research, and artictic presentation for use in a world history (or geography) curriculum. It enables a student to use research skills, as well as creative cognition to create a research project. It is recommended that students have no less than two weeks to complete the project.
Part I: Not Another Research Paper?
Throughout our study of world history, we have focused on cross-cultural themes, and analyzed the impact each has had on global societies. In order to better isolate our understanding to specific regions and peoples, it is necessary to centralize our study. Your assignment is to complete a research essay outlining a brief history of your chosen country. This essay should focus on crucial turning points and movements in this country’s history. I recommend that you focus your essay on 5-6 turning points or movements that have contributed directly, or indirectly, to the development of this country. (An example concerning China could include the following turning points: development of Qin Empire, Song Technology, the Canton System, the Communist Revolution of 1949, etc.)
Part II: Cultural Show and Tell
In addition, each student is required to bring to class a visual representation of your country. This accompanying artifact is due on the same day as the research paper and can include a variety of options. These options include: the nation’s flag (drawn or real), dress in the nation’s cultural outfit, bring in an example of the nation’s food, bring in an example of the nation’s music, etc. Each student will be required to present his/her artifact to the class and provide some background on its significance to the nation. It is not necessary to prepare anything for this, just look at it like a “cultural show and tell.”