Step One
Pick an image you want to use as the basis for your maze.

Step Two
The site converts the image into a black and white image, then highlights pixels which are not attached to the main body of the pixels.

Step Three
Connect or remove red pixels, then choose a starting and ending point for the maze. Now sit back and relax while the site calculates a path through your image.

Step Four
Print your maze!

This feature is still under development, and will be available to PRO MEMBERS. If you are testing the site, and would like to sample some of the PRO MEMBER features without paying the subscription fee, contact us any time during October, 2014, and we will set up your pro features as soon as they are ready! Contact: dtwitchell@virtu-software.com
Good morning! After creating the printable word game worksheets, creating the first of the MATH worksheets seemed like a good next step. You can find the first of the new worksheets here:
Fraction Operations Printable Worksheets
As with the word games, you have increased flexibility for designing your print layout.
Stay tuned, because the MAZES section should be next, and if all goes well, there will be an exciting new maze feature that didn't exist on the old version of the site!
It's been a while since I've updated the news, but it's not because we've been slacking off on development! One of the very large and complex sections of The Problem Site is the "Printables" section, where we provide jumbles, mazes, word searches, and a variety of worksheets.

In redesigning this section of the site, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that needed to be done to give users maximum flexibility in designing their worksheets.
With most of that work done, we have some Jumbles, Word Searches, and Cross Search puzzles available for you to try. Just follow this link: Word-Lists, and then choose a word list from the Featured Lists.
Or you can go directly to a sample word list by clicking here: Solar System Vocabulary.
Pro Membership
In addition to having an ad-free experience, Pro Members will also have access to the ability to build their own quizzes, reference pages, and word lists for Jumbles and Word Searches. As a limited time offer, we'll be inviting beta testers to try out some Pro Member features, without charge; if you're interested in testing Pro Member features, please fire me an email at dtwitchell@virtu-software.com to let me know. Please include your username in the email.
No, the title of this blog post isn't really asking you a question (although we definitely want you to tell us whenever you find something wrong!). We're just letting you know that the What Is Wrong? game is available to play. Very little has changed in this game, except that we've done some graphic redesign to make it prettier.
In other news: You'll notice that if you arrive at the testing version from the old site, you'll get a dialog window providing some basic info about the new site. The reason for that is that we've opened the "audience" for the testing version wider, and we want to make sure people who are new to the testing version get all the pertinent information when they first arrive.
If you get sick of seeing that popup window, you no longer have to get to the test version by way of the old site; you can just bookmark "theproblemsite.net" and come here directly!
A few days ago I posted that we had 3 of the quizzes from the old version of the site posted on the new version. Since then we've been hammering away at converting the rest of the quizzes over, and creating quite a few new ones.
Not only are the addition/multiplication/subtraction/division quizzes on the new site, but you also have more fine-tuned control of what you practice; you can choose from options like "Multiplication by 5" which would give you all the multiplication facts for 5.

We also have several new Literature and French Number quizzes.
I think the hardest one I've seen is the Novel First Lines quiz. I confess, I didn't do very well with that one!
Many of the quizzes have more than 10 questions, which means you can try the quiz multiple times, and get some different questions each time you try.
Eventually, this section of the site will be set up so teachers can create their own quizzes.
To view the complete listing of quizzes, visit the Quiz Directory.
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