Go Pro!

Yearly archive for 2015.

Not only is the printables section of the site done, but there are three new printable worksheets available:

Many of the printables have more configuration options, including the new Equation Obfuscator.

The obfuscator takes simple equations like 3x + y = 9 and performs a variety of operations on them to make them into more complex equations.

For example, depending on the settings you chose for the obfuscator, you might get equations such as:

  • 3x = 9 - y
  • 2x - y = 9 - 2y - x
  • 2(x - 4) + 1 = -y - (x - 2)

This will allow teachers to create worksheets that are very straightforward, or equations that provide more of a challenge for students.

We welcome your input and ideas for the existing worksheets, as well as suggestions for new worksheets.  Also, if you find any issues with the existing worksheets, please let us know!

On the current version of The Problem Site, Pro Membership costs $5.00.  On the NEW version of the site, it will cost $10.00.  The reason for this is simple: Pro Membership on the new site will provide a vast array of new features that didn't exist on the old site.  Read more about Pro Features here: Pro Membership Features.

Thus, if you're interested in getting a pro membership, it would be smart to do it between now and July, so you can get in under the old pricing, and get all the new features for half the price.

A Note For Pro Members

We're currently redesigning the way your "Media Galleries" work, in order to make it more simple to add images to your content.  Instead of creating a media gallery, adding pictures, and then going to your quiz/problem/maze page, and inserting the image, the creation of media galleries will all happen behind the scenes, allowing you to create your content all on one page.  It'll be MUCH easier to use.

In the meantime, the "Media Galleries" link has disappeared while we wrap up these changes.  This means that some features are temporarily inaccessible.  You can still create most of your content, but for a few days you'll need to stick to "text only" content.  A notice will be posted in the "PRO" forum when the media galleries are back online.

Thanks for your patience while we make improvements!

You may have noticed a new menu item at the top of the page titled "Go Pro!" This is for those who want to access bonus content on the site.  If you click that link you'll see a list of features available to people who have a pro membership.

Currently you can't set up a pro membership on the new version of the site (but your pro membership will carry over from the old version of the site, if you have one there!)

On the old version of the site, the primary feature of Pro Membership was the absence of advertising.  On the new version of the site, Pro Membership carries far more features.  One of the features we'll be rolling out soon is the personalized toolbar, which will replace the advertising column on the left.  Here's what it looks like:

You'll want to click on the image to view it full size, and get a good look at the toolbar.  At the top of the toolbar is the area for bookmarks.  Any time you're on a page that you know you'll want to visit repeatedly, click 'Add Bookmark,' edit the page title if you want to, and then save. 

The next section is the "What's New" section, which lets you see at a glance any new blog posts on the site, as well as any new problems posted.  

After this is the area which will display your ratings on the various games you play, followed by the games in which you have a high score.

The toolbar is not yet available, but soon it will appear for members who have a pro membership!

We're starting the Brain Food page back up here on the new site.  We will be posting one new brainteaser every two weeks through the summer months. There is a puzzle here: To Ride or not to Ride.

Here are three types of Brain Food puzzles which will often appear.

Hinky Pinky - In which you are given a clue, and you must figure out two rhyming words that fit the clue. For example, if the clue was: "A Much Nicer Restaurant", the answer might be: "Finer Diner" Hink Pink is a pair of one syllable words, and a Hinkety Pinkety is a pair of three syllable words.

Word Ladders - A game invented by Lewis Carroll, in which you must get from one word to another by changing one letter at a time. Example: to get from HATE to LOVE, you might use the following Word Ladder: HATE/RATE/RAVE/CAVE/COVE/LOVE.

We will often do synonym word ladders, in which we don't give you starting or ending words, but we give you a synonym clue for each word along the way.

Word Equations - A word equation is an addition of two or more words to create a third word. Here's an example: SLENDER + RULER = PONDERING. The reason this equation makes sense is, SLENDER = THIN, and RULER = KING. THIN + KING = THINKING = PONDERING.

As of this morning, there are only three games left that have not been converted to the new version.  These games are:

  • Snowflake Maker
  • Fizziks Tilt
  • Spy Chess

These three are going to go on hold for now, because their redesign will take significant work, and there are bigger fish to fry on the site right now.  Have we missed anything?  Are there other games besides those three that aren't converted over?  Please let us know if you find anything else missing from the games.

While we move on to the "bigger fish," please keep playing all those games and posting questions and bug reports in the forum.  We'll periodically take a look at those and try to fix problems you find.  Thanks so much for all your help and input!

So what are the "bigger fish" we need to fry right now?

  • Making everything functional for anonymous (non-member) visitors
  • The Problems and Brainteasers section
  • The Printable worksheets
  • The Products blog
  • The Easter Egg Pages
  • The Teacher Features
  • Game Instructions
  • Game Demo Videos

Yes, there's still a LOT of work to be done! Thanks again fof all the valuable input you've all given.

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