Go Pro!

Yearly archive for 2015.

In the process of updating the site, a database table containing high score lists was not copied over, so the high score lists disappeared for a while.  Those lists have now been copied over, so the high score lists are functional again.

If your favorite game doesn't have a high score list, play the game once, and the score lists should update.  Please let me know if that doesn't happen!


It may seem like nothing has been updated here in awhile, and in a sense, that's true.  However, we've been working on some behind-the-scenes changes that will improve the overall speed and usability of the site.

We're in the process of posting those changes to the site, and while we're in process, some things may not work exactly right.

In other words, for a few days it may seem like the site is regressing instead of progressing!

But have no fear - we're hard at work making the site better.  Soon there will be more games converted over to the beta version.

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