Pro Problems

Your Problems


Hinky Pinky

A Melon for an animal

Getaway to the Caribbean

My Foot Aggravates Me

On the Ranch

South of the Border

Word Ladders

Cook to Cistern

Hidden to Large Distance

Sprinkle to Tendril

Word Riddles

A Christmas Carol

A Stern Lecture

Below and Above

Word Snakes

A Sport





Absolute Value

Nested Absolute Value

Quadratic Absolute Value

Higher Degree

Eighth Degree Equation

Fourth Degree

Simple Cubic Equation


All values of A

x and a

Quadratic Equations

Constant and Roots


One Radical Equation

Radical Denominators

Radical Equation

Radical System

Radicals within Radicals

Square Root of Ten

Three Radicals


Fraction Word Problem

Fractions of X

Unsimplified Fraction

Systems of Equations


Cubic and Linear

Linear and Quadratic

Mary and Laura's Cookies

One Equation, Two Variables

Product of X and Y

Quadratic System

Quadratic System

Sum and Product System

Sum of X and Y

System with a Product

System with Radical

To Sum It Up

X and Y Quadratics

X and Y System

Word Problems

Age and Time

Many Variables


Simple Interest

A Sum of Sums

Antique Table Price

Bag of Candy

Chickens and Roosters

Coffee and Donuts

Difference and Sum

Difference System


Henry's Books

Humpty Dumpty

Manny Climbs a Skyscraper

Math Textbooks for Sale

Napkins, Forks, and Plates

Pairs of Consecutives

Six more than Twice the Smaller

Spiders and ants

Sum and Difference

Sum of Two Fractions

Three Digits by Sums

Triangle Perimeter

X to Y to Z

b Over X + Y

Find X + Y + Z

Fractions within Fractions

P and Q

P and Q

System in a System

System of Equations with K

System of Three Equations

Three Numbers

Three to Two

Ugly Fractional System

Word Problems

Parenthetical Mess

Solve the Cubic








Number and Quantity

Statisics and Probabilities

Series of Circles

Featured Pro Problems
A velociraptor falls from a cliff while a mosasaurus launches out of the water. Mayhem ensues.
Complex numbers, sequences and series, trigonometry, coordinate geometry, and conics all come into play in this hodge-podge problem
Find the sum of x and y, if the following quadratic equations in x and y are true.
Calculate the sum of squares, given the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means of three numbers
Three digits get together for brunch and discuss their relationships
Without a calculator find a nine digit number that meets the criteria of the problem
A math problem involving Shrek wanting Fiona's telephone number
Solve the problem involving Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and an x-wing figher on Dagobah
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