Evaluating 2 x 2 Determinants
Reference > Mathematics > Algebra > DeterminantsOn the previous page, we learned that, unlike matrices, which are really just arrays of numbers, determinants can be evaluated, which simply means that they have a numerical value which can be calculated. To learn how to calculate the value of a determinant, we will begin with a 2 x 2 determinant.
That's it! Multiply the top left entry by the bottom right entry, and then subtract from it the product of the other two elements. Let's try it with a determinant that has numerical entries:
Problem OneEvaluate
1(5) - 3(2) = 5 - 6 = -1.
We can make this more interesting by using variables in our determiants:
Problem TwoSolve for x if
3x - 2 = 16
3x = 18
x = 6
Solve for x if
x2 - 6 = 5x
x2 - 5x - 6 = 0
(x - 6)(x + 1) = 0
x = 6 or x = -1
Solve for x if x
First we evaluate the determinant: 2(3) - 2(1) = 6 - 2 = 4
So 4x = 2x - 24
2x = -24
x = -12

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