Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
by Marcus S.A. GreyA la Experimenal Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course).
The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on November 22, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pi] FIRST published in a Plus-23 Number of 'Gehenna Beat' Magazine -- the pulpy pages of which professing to contain Certain 'Spirit-boarded' Reports (or Necrograms; as They were so known) from out the Nethermost Regions of Some Perditiously-ulterior Dimension -- , the Entity-in-Question had not in fact claimed to have been Any-Such Ectoplasmic Expression of Disembodied Energy; but rather just the Time-&-Space-Warped Projection of a Fully-physical Being; merely attempting to telecommuncate -- for the Everlasting Edification of the Cosmologically-polarized, Neo-Pharisaic, Generation to which It ministered -- the Existential Particulars of that Far-distant Futurescape with which It was, evidently, intimate.The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on November 25, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pii] And yet, according to the labouriously-trancscribed, and, apparently, retroactive, substance of that Planchette-channelled Orientation, Certain Aspects of this Unborn Epoch (sequentially-speaking) were to be -- even in spite of All Its Sensuously-experienced Physicality -- No-less Exquisite, in the Sado-Satanic Sense, than those Sulphurous Pits of Outer Oblivion which were constantly being, in those Dynastically-climactic Days, disseminated by Such Hellfire-&-Brimstone Mystics.The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on November 27, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Piii] As it turns out, the More-Dantesque Sections (or Facets, rather) of Said Space-Time Quadrant, Terra Novellum, would be Ones in which the, Thusly, Miscarried Revenant is, according to the Inexorable Dictates of Its Very-own Unclean Conscience, doomed -- having first donned the Dunderheaded, A l'Auto-da-Fe, Motley of a Sleepwalking Pantomime -- doomed to reenact, Forever-&-Evermore, Amen, the Cosmically-recalcitrant Folly of Its Carbon-based, Mammalian -- Stiff-neckedly OEdipal; Electra-like -- , Obstinately-Darwinian Ambitions....The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on November 30, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Piv] NOTWITHSTANDING the ironical, aught-to-be-obvious, contradictions between the Cryptonatural Realities of this Theo-materialistic Model-of-Cosmogony and the Wishfully-deluded Dubiety of Post-modern Theosophism through which These were ultimately, nonetheless, confirmed -- Stygian Warts-&-All -- : it had been by means of a Sustained, Autohypnotic, Technomesmeric, Exposure to that Very-same, Necromantically-received, Testament that those First, Voluntary, Test Subjects had attained (in stark contrast to the Stillborn Variety previously noted) the Immortal, Ascendent, Ultramorphose Phase of Living Symbiotes, En Homo Novus!!The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on December 4, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pv] As to All This Long-since Relapsed Ash, Dust, &/or Mush, on the other hand, which had not -- during the Admittedly-heterodox Course of that Taking-Evangelion-To-Heart Period (more to the point, the Hippocratic Totality of ITS, otherwise doubtfully-decrypted Justitia Omnibus Parts) of Nearer-To-Absolute Epiphany and Even-More-Miraculous, Fully-Herculean, Deed-doing -- had not harkened unto the Pragmatically-applicable Wisdoms graciously elucidated Therein, would be, as earlier indicated, awakened instead -- by way of A Deliberate, Post-Nouveau (in some instances, obviously, ill-advised) Programme of Planet-wide Symbiote Incubation and Wireless, Aesthetically-lubricated, Revivification -- to an Unconsciously-neurotic, Self-inflicted, Mea Culpa, All-Evidence-To-The-Contary, Rejection of The Signal's Pinebox-or-Rosewood-bursting Content....The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on December 8, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pvi] THESE NEW-&-IMPROVED ADAMITES, however -- Les Femmes et Les Hommes Nouveaux (Exoskeleton-speaking) -- , whom did see fit to make, Therethrough, this Long-overdue Connection between their, Then, Predatory Impulses -- Ostensibly-honourable; Shamelessly-undertaken -- and the Hellishly-perpetual Suppression of Ultimate, Amaranthine, Transfiguration: would Open Eye to find Themselves in the Spirit-Material Forms of Fully-exfoliated, Metamorphosized, Macrooorganisms...Symbiotically-recombined with a Triform Crisis of Faith (Of, Each, the Choir-Boy-, Convent-, and Ghetto-concerned Variety) festering, Already, within their Silicone-based Brains; burning like Empyrean Entity through Olympic-sized, Ichor-flowing Veins; conceived -- according at least to the Aforesaid 'X' -- with an Irreverent, Yet Nagging, Enigma verily bursting forth from Newly-born Orifices (Openings, mind Thee, of Both A Bi-labial-&-Multi-mandibular Nature): ----The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on December 14, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pvii] "'IF Creator or Chaos -- depending upon One's Caesar-wreathed-or-Primate-Tyro Point of Numismatic Perspective -- had truly decreed (in the Latter Form, of course, so to speak; Masterpiece-producing only by virtue of the Impenetrably-sheer AEons during which the Cosmic Darwin is permitted to, By-Trial-&-Error, Hunt-&-Peck) that We must never-ever modify even the most-intolerable or cutthroat aspects of Natural Law (So-called): why in the world then did Said Deity/Demiurge see fit to make Us so-very-sensitive to the Assorted Horrors of Injurious Fragility and Cellular Decrepitude; so-acutely-allergic to the Gross Injustice of Mightily-righteous Minions-&-Hypocrites having their Tyrannical, Bureaucratic, Malfeasant, and Rapacious Way, Endlessly, with HIS-ITS Not-So-Formidable-Specimens?The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on December 25, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pviii] "'If that Abiding Assertion of Our Old-Adamite Antecedents -- insisting most-emphatically that Observable Phenomena constitutes Self-evident Proof of a Heavenly and Immutable Will (or, at the very least, a Manifest Inevitability) -- had actually been exact, why then was it Their custom to rake up so-faithfully that Annual Accumulation of Deciduously-withered Leaves; given the Piously-practicing Logic of their So-Very-Humbled, Proudly-reverent, Ideology -- and shared, ironically enough, by Avowed Naturalist and Devout Theologian alike (Their mutually-excluding penchant for Pernicious, Schismatic Zealotry notwithstanding) -- would it not have been more Just-&-Proper to leave the Fallen Foliage where Providence, Divine-or-Otherwise, did So-obviously intend It; to moreover cultivate Both Tonsure and Claw to either Eccentric-Magnate-or-Mad-Hermetic Length?The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on December 30, 2014
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pix] "'Imagine, if You can (as Our Earthly Fathers once did; in terms of keeping their Periodically-prolific Litters, Both In-&-Out-of-Doors, Eternally Cute-&-Cuddly), a Prescription Pill whose Stated Applications, Ambrosian or Elixer Vitae, would be to conclude All Human Suffering; endow The Recipient with naught less than Everlasting Longevity; would not such a Miracle Drug be banned immediately by The Office of the D.I.C.C.S.; summarily stripped from the shelves of Every Streetcorner-Kiosk or Mega-mart Bazaar?The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on January 6, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Px] "'There had been, You see, Certain, Almost-Avataric, Subdivisions of Our So-called Unconscious (Individually-speaking or in the Collective Sense) which -- Some Unsullied Photofacsimiles of that Self-aware Singularity in whose Sentient Image-&-Likeness We had been, in the first place, fashioned-or-formed; while Others, by the, Otherwise, Just-probationary, Pinocchio-pending, Requirements of Darwinian Imperative, twisted into Fiendish, Funhouse, Aberrations Thereof -- which just could not abide, in One Instance, Our Unchecked Participation (as opposed to That involved in Pre-Industrial Hunter-Gathering; at most Subsistence Growing) in the Invariably Slave-driving, Mass-murdering, Ecocidal Means of Crop-cashing, Mass Production-&-Transit (A Sort of Failsafe Feature of Interstellar Evolution intended to keep Such A-Bomb-Boasting Cro-Magnons forever segregated from the Sacred Stars); and in The Other, an absence of -- no matter how improbable the prospect (Our involuntary impulses apparently an exact analogue of an Utterly-Strung-out Longhauler; long-since indifferent to the eventual, shelf-stocking success of His-or-Her Thusly-unloaded Cargo) -- of that Off-The-Dole, Still-in-Business, Pick-of-the-Litter, Prestige, those Philanthropic-&/or-Heroic Distinctions (no matter how Fish-a-Day, Square-Slave-Away, Faux), which did come as an Ergo Consequence of Mortal Misery's, Then, Run Amok, Chronically-Apocalyptic, Persistence.The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on January 27, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird-Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pxi] "'That said, Though, the Ultimate Blame-Burden for Such Seeds of Destructive Productivity having been, in the first place, sown should not be shouldered by the Post-modern Heirs of Fin de Siecle Futurists alone; but carried as a Blood Debt Universal to All Warm-blooded Bipeds, no matter how Primitive, Technologically-speaking; the seeming retardation of, Let's say, South Pacific, Sub-Saharan, or Pre-Columbian, Progress being not, at all, for better or worse, the product of an Inferior Intellect; but wholly attributable, instead, to a Culturally-incestuous Insulation from All The Various Arms-Races of Ancient Eurasia-&-The Mediterranean; and which, whether running Hot-or-Cold, would eventually culminate in the Utopian-For-Some-Although-Apocalyptic-For-Others Advent of Iron Horse, Automobile, and Aeromotor.The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on February 11, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pxii] "'To be blunt, should even that, In Retrospect, Inevitable Return to Locally-sourced Meat Market and Garden-grown Produce been mitigated by a Consensual, Hydroponic, Floating-Laboratorial, Neo-Pawnee, Sort-of-Semi-Nomadism: lacking a more-reverent regard for The Present, Most-Eminent, Then-Imminent, Less-competitive, Parole-free, Postgraduate, Cosmos-going Bezel-Cut to -- with the Continuing, Outward Advance of Dimension Three/Four -- to have long-since, O So-Kingdom-like, Come, even Such a Bison-hunting, Berry-picking, Maize-raising Path As-That would, and did, lead back, invariably, to the Same Ole, Machine-smoking, Colossally-abominable, Same Ole.The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on February 24, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pxiii] "'Contrary to what the Still-bleeding Hearts of these Living Dead Flower Folk would have Us, Even Now, believe, the Final Demise of that Elder Great Gaea had not come about by Adam-&-Eve's Presumption of Deity-endowed Dominion; but rather through His-or-Her Individual, Psychogenic, Fig-Leaf-shrinking, Fight-or-Fleeing, Big-Cat-arousing, Impotence in the Fang-baring, Pockmarked, Radiation-burned Face of this Magna Mater the First which had led to Such Glorified, Down-shaking, Long-conning, Rackets as were, in essence, the Feudal Institutions (excepting The Religious only insofar as It did not demand compensation for Clerical Services Thusly-rendered); the ultimately-unavoidable pinnacle of which being a Globe-encompassing Proliferation of Technocratic, Megamurderous, Overhomicidal, Collectively-Oligarchical, Super, Monolith-looming, Bureaucracies; In-Uniform &/or With-degree Elitists (Comparatively-speaking) unwilling or unable to look upon What It Is that the Little, Inveterate High-Roller which lives and writhes inside Every Willing Seeker After Promotion within The Corporation must assume -- being born of that Probationer-or-Parolee Programme earlier alluded to; and which makes One, By Nature, not only a Hostile Alien to the Very, Faith-based, Future-invested, Notion of Some Post-Apocalyptic, Neo-Edenic Restoration, but blind as well to That Omnipresent House Advantage to which even the High-&-Mighty Opposition (that is, to the Eternal, Virtually-Millennialist, Bliss which Alchemical Adventism and Intercosmic Hybridization bestows unconditonally upon Their Global, but -- considering All Inadvertent, Even Hellish, Aspects of the Reanimate/Transmutative Outcome -- Not-In-Every-Case-Grateful, Beneficiaries) must at length succumb -- must assume to be the Ditch-digging, Dish-washing, Lavatory-scouring, Fry-cooking, Hedge-trimming, Lawn-mowing, Field-ploughing, Bed-making, Skivvy-sniffing, Wet-nursing, Diaper-changing, Fruit-picking, Garbage-hauling, Litter-picking, Full-Time-But-Not-For-Profit-Toiling, Breadline-or-Soup-Kitchen-standing, Spare-Change-begging, Even Trick-turning, Ends of an All-Lord-knowing, Every-Knee-folded, Sphere Absolutely Free from Every-conceivable Disease-To-Treat, Infirmity-To-Nurse, Criminal-To-Catch, Suspect-To-Judge, Soul-To-Save, Injustice-To-Address, Relief-To-Organize, Enemy-To-Fight, Pupil-To-Teach, Lonliness-To-Ease, Viz., Axe-To-Grind; deeming it a by-far better option to risk the dubious-at-best, always fleetng, prospect of Top Floor, Ivory Spire, Life than to endure An Eternity without those Meritorious Awards which had once so-distinguished These from the Greater, Per Capita, Mass of Undergraduate Humanity; if it had been All-along in Our As-manufactured (Heaven-Sent, though maybe Sub-created) Natures to be Beatifically-Virtuous and Refuse-Free there would have been no cause for the Be-good Teachings; nor would it have been to Our More-Than-Simply-Sycophantic Credit to Self-determine, in spite of this Necessarily-evil Conditioning, an Alternative, Kinder, Gentler, Mother Earth; One in which Universally-ecumenical Fraternity and Unadultered Equality-For-All be The Rule Absolute....The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on March 17, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
"'THUS the Never-ending, Self-inflicted, Detention of Each, Finally, Once-&-For-All, Recombined (Not So Snowflaky After All; No More, If Ever -- Relative-Dearth-Of-Ingredients-Meets-Might-As-Well-Be-Infinite-Space-&-Far-As-We're-Concerned-Eternal-Time -- If Ever, Transmigratory) Archetype; Every Future-Doomed, Tomorrow-Lost, Forever Dead, Citizen Lich (following the Insipidly-seasoned Precedents set by Their Wineskin-dry, New-Vino-leaking, Shepherds; Sans-Foreskin-or-No) in no fashion seeing fit to -- virtually lobotomized by this Chronic, Pathologically-obstinate, Ghoul-guilty Hostage Complex -- acknowledge the Manifaceted, Multi-manorial, Specifications of Our Grand Animator's Collected, Complete, More-Than-Merely-One-Off, One-Trick-Pony, One-Hit-Wonder, Works; Ambitiously-Would-Be Pack Leaders: Every One; perceiving in the Terrestrial Continuum's Most-Plutonian Tiers not only a Perpetual Speculaton In Worldly Renown, but also the De Sade Domination which They So-Richly-deserve for having thereby prostituted, in Such Order-pecking, Team-picking, Bear-baiting, Backbitng, Runt-punking, Fencepost-pissing, Ways, Said AEon; that Cosmic Classroom which We have since come to, in retrospect, christen Special Ed existing solely for the Corporal Readjustment of Such Developmentally-arrested Specimens (not to be confused with those Non Grata Colonists whom Its Study-Hall-flunking Pupils did actually have the unimaginable audacity to really reckon so).The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on April 18, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pxv] "'It having been revealed, You see -- with the more-common practice of not-so-supercilious, less-finger-licking, penetrations of those suspiciously-livid leaves upon which The Curriculum's Sanguine History had been writ -- , the impediment to an Earthly, But-Old-No-More, Plane wholly devoid of Each Blood-sucking-&/or-Concupiscence-driven Form of Anthropophagic Predation, Every-last Megalomaniacal Figure of False, Coxcombical-or-Formica-immolating, Authority, which had been the persistent, endlessly-generational, consequence of such Age-Old, Usefully-disposed, Productively-inclined, Aversions to Even Our New-found Appreciation for Blissful (or Benignly-psychosomatic, rather) Ignorance and Paradise-like Idleness; a, Theretofore, Never-ending Legacy of Hopelessly-Terrestrial Degenerates, physically ill-equipped to relinquish their, In Fact, Fiendish Grasp upon the Egos-feeding, Morphine-releasing, Knee-weakening, Junk which was that Largely-unconscious, though Constant, Thought of putting One's "Lesser Fellows", unremittingly, to The Question.The following is a piece of writing submitted by Marcus S.A. Grey on May 2, 2015
"A la Experimental Introduction to the Gorgeously-grotesque Worlds of 'Weird Beat Prose-Poetry' (Epic; of course)."
[Pxvi] "'No longer could it be so-simply ignored: the socially-assassinating, tribally-exiling, lengths to which The Universe's Elementary-School Herd would go to maintain Its Coup-counting Status Quo; One in which the prospect of a Warm Bed and a Not-So-Lonesome Foxhole may be ransomed back from those Brainwashed, Border-raiding, Bush-Hogs only by Chivalrously-servile Presentations of Hard-earned Currency; to Hell with all The Horrors which go along with such a Mercenary Enterprise as was Taking Coin from This Company Store; with Its Noetically-Self-Perpetuating Fleet of Moloch-mawed Harvesters; Strip-mining, Sweat-shopping, Smoke-belching, Fire-breathing, Fresh-Fat-demanding, Skin-flaying, Flesh-filleting, Viscera-licking, Offal-gorging, Bone-breaking, Marrow-slurping, Skull-numbing, Soul-sucking, Heart-gnawing, Ingot-grubbing, Slum-lording, Black-marketeering, Hypochondria-mongering, Placebo-destroying, Invincibility-suppressing, Reactor-leaking, Pestilence-spreading, Son-O'-Bitches If There Ever Were (to speak nothing of this Mephitically-reeking, Leviathan-like, Pelagically-monstrous, Juggernaut's Goose-marching, Gas-attacking, Ghetto-establishing, Village-incinerating, Flat-topped, Wing-rolling, Carpet-bombing, Enforcers)....More writing by this author
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