Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by bookwormj on November 25, 2010
"I just wanted to write for 15 minutes, but its turning out kinda cool..."
Thanksgiving Feast
My Thanksgiving in 15 minutes..."Let's scratch the Pumpkin Bread, we've already got Brownies, Snickerdoodles" Lynn was interupted by Julia who was sitting with her pink slippered feet propped up on the chair next to her "Haha, those snickerdoodles look disgusting now! I don't know WHAT those guys did to them" Referring to last night when her 17 year old brother Karl and his friend Guthrie had baked snickerdoodle cookies that were completely flat and melted into a tray with one big "cookie". "I think they just mixed everything together instead of creaming the butter and sugar first then adding the flour slowly" Said her mom. "They probably just put it all together and mixed the heck out of it." Lynn chuckled and looked back down at her list. "That's all right, i'm sure they taste fine. We also have 2 pumpkin pies." She said gesturing towards the two orange pies that had been bought yesterday afternoon at Whole Foods market. "Yes, we can deffinitly scratch the pumpkin bread, if Seth wants to make it tomorrow, he can" Julia's mom, Diana said. "Well that means we should probably get the Squash cooking, and when it's done the Turkey should be ready." Lynn said as she went over to the sink and grabbed two acorn squashes. "How do we want to cook them?" Diana asked.
Julia hopped up, folding the page over in her library book and leaving it on the table. "I'm gonna go see what Marta and Seth are up to." She said and walked over to the stair case. Marta( Karl& Julia's younger sister, age 13) and Seth (Guthrie's little brother, age 7, almost 8) were sitting next to each other in the Den playing on clubpenquin.com solving secret missions and playing virtual fishing. " Hey guys, you've been on for a while, can I have a turn on one of the laptops?" Julia asked as she watched them change the color of their penquins "red, no green, hey purple will match these bat wings I got!" They were saying as a rainbow of penquins waddled around the screen. "Achhem, can I use one of the laptops guys? I wanna finish watching SNL" The two got up eventually and left Julia in the den with the laptops. "Wanna watch Harry Potter again?" Asked Seth, even though the two kids had watched 3 Harry Potter movies already in the past 2 days. Julia opened up her email and got straight to buuisness clicking on the link for last weekend's epidsode of Saturday Night Live.
Meanwhile down in the Kitchen the stuffing, cranberry sauce, vegetable soup, and waldorf salad had already been finished. The squash was baking, the Turkey was being stuffed with juicy vegetables and fruits like Celery, Carrots and Apples, and the potatoes were soaking in a pot of water on the stove, ready to be boiled and mashed, Diana was busy slicing a second kind of squash to be suateed with onions and garlic and...
Fifteen minutes is over!! Happy Thanksgiving!
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