Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

My Thanksgiving Break
by SharpygreencatgirlIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: My Thanksgiving Break

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Sharpygreencatgirl on November 30, 2010
"hope you enjoy part two. Tell me what you think!"
Home Sweet Home (part 2)
Part Two (rough rough draft) : “That’s sooo annoying!” I was headed back towards Eric’s house a good 40 minutes later. My friend Piper had called and she was in a bad mood.“I know,” she said moodily. “Ten dollars wasted! They could have easily not included it!”
Piper and some friends from her theater group, Young Peoples Theater, had paid for an ad, about their new play, in our high school newspaper. Then the newspaper had come out later than expected, after the play had finished running. Piper was telling me about the stupid editors that wouldn’t give her a refund. I was actually in the newspaper and had tried to see what I could do about it, but had had no luck. “It was probably Ms. Wargo’s fault.” I said.
Ms. Wargo was the newspaper representative and we both had classes with her. Ms. Wargo seemed to be becoming our permanent scapegoat. “I didn’t even get a paper I was so disgusted!” Piper continued.
“When you come to terms with your anger you can have mine,” I said reassuringly. “Okaaaaaay. Ummm....Gotta go T! Happy Thanksgiving.” She said. I could hear her Dad shouting in the background; “Piper, do you want to go to Chicago or not?!?!”
“Have fun in the Prairie State!” I called as she hung up.
I jogged up Eric’s driveway with Lobo at my side. Eric was getting into his purple Bug with a grin on his face and a completed shopping list in his hand. I waved as he drove off.
The ride home was an interesting one. It only took several minutes but I rode past lots of different scenery. I went past Vet’s Park, a fancy chop house, a cheap grocery and a party shop with wasted guys sprawled against it’s back wall. Then past a foot clinic and some boring office building everyone ignored. I turned off of busy Dexter road and onto my little dirt one.
My house was warm yellow with green trim and a double lot yard. We had a little red barn garage that I’d wanted to be my bedroom, but my parents hadn’t wanted to pay for insulation, heating and floors.
The house smelled of cabbage and quinoa as I walked in the back door, we never used the front one. “Hi Lucy,” It was my grandmother. Grandmother Bet, as I’d called her since I was little. She pinched my butt in a friendly “Hello” sort of way. I flinched.
Grandmother Bet was a very in shape young looking 70 year old. Sure, she’d gotten her share of face lifts, Botox injections, etc. She had over come breast cancer several years ago, so that counted for something!
I sat down and started to do my homework on a kitchen stool, as she launched into a story about her cruise ship dancer friend, Enrique. It had a very complicated plot; involving a dance class, her ex-husband’s girlfriend, Melissa and some punch with vodka in it. I nodded my head and said “NO WAY?” a lot, but I was in the world of Math.
“Grandmother Bet?” I interrupted, “Do you know what a direct variation is? It’s Algebra I.”
“Well, I never took Algebra.” She replied matter-o-factly “I just took Math. No geometry, no algebra, no calculus, just Math.”
“Uhhhhhh…” I gave her an odd look.
Just then my mom walked into the room singing some odd “Woman’s Circle Choir” song. “May all being live in harmonyyyyyyy? May allllll beings live in Peace! I am sending you light to heal….” She kept singing. Grandmother Bet and I exchanged a look. I had kind of forgotten the bike incident a few hours before.
Just then my phone rang.
“Hey Hallie!” I answered. She started in a rush, “Hey, Guess what?! I forgot my choir stuff! Exams are next week!!!! Can I copy yours? Please?”
“Oh, thanks!” she said.
“I actually need some fundraiser papers printed for me. Could you? Maybe we can get together tomorrow?” I said.
“Let me check!” she said. I heard her little brother Allen shriek in the background and a few crashes and bangs. “It’s fine for you to come!” she said rather breathlessly. “Can you come at twelvish?”
“Sure,” I replied. “Oh, Hallie I have a really funny story to tell you.”
About 25 minutes later
“Hallie! Are you even listening to me?” she hadn’t spoken in a while. “Not really…” she said launching into one of her famous guffaw.
“Heehahohahee!” I imitated her. “Goodbye!” I hung up the phone.
At the dinner table my twelve year old brother amused my Dad and Grandma immensely by eating out of his bowl like a dog. Mom and I were not amused. “So immature.” I said breezily. My mom looked at my Dad, who was giggling with my grandmother, and nodded in agreement.
“Okay everyone,” my Dad said after the laughter subsided. “Tomorrow we need to get up on the early side. Jason and his girlfriend Frida are arriving around seven in the morning. Carmen is arriving sometime tomorrow to help with the cooking. Nicky and Polly will both arrive on Thanksgiving. Get it? Got it! Good.”
My Dad nodded at us and then started clearing the table. Grandmother Bet got up to help. “Henry wait,” she said to my Dad. “Who are all these people!?” she looked bewildered. Usually she was young seeming and very with it, but she had her old lady moments.
“Suze didn’t tell you?” my Dad looked surprised. “Well, Jason’s my nephew. He and Frida, his girlfriend, are about 25. They’re coming out from California to visit us and Frida’s family…” they walked off into the kitchen. "Carmen's an old friend from work. Really friendly.....she'll bring orderves." He went on.
I glanced at my mom and brother. “Can I have Ice cream??” Simon asked in an annoying whiny voice. Mom shook her head. “I SCREAM! ICE CREAM! We all SCREAM for ICE CREAM!” he repeated the chant several times. “We don’t all scream for it, only you do.” I said.
Later that evening I watched a movie, with Grandmother Bet, called Circle of Friends. Basically, there are three girls (the friends) who go off to college. The date boys, have affairs, go to Eve’s (one of the girls) cabin, try on ugly dresses and uncover scandals. I honestly couldn’t decide what a thought about it. Grandmother Bet thought it was “sweet” and “darling” and also “adorable”. Although during the movie she got very worked up about their personal problems and held up a steady narrative of life tips, boy advice and swearing.
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