Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by bluetomatoes on December 9, 2010
"I actually don't know what a prose is, so I'll just say this is one . . . yeah."
Christmas Shopping
Da who doray, da who doray,the carolers sing merrily throughout the crammed in shoppers
marching unhappily and unsteadily from store to store.
The line for starbucks slithers at least 10 feet back from the registers. Plenty of mothers who have been here since three am with their whiny toddlers, all waiting to get their caffeine fix. Great, just another Black Friday. One holiday ends, and the next begins, just as soon as possible. Thanksgiving, bell chimes midnight, Christmas season has begun. So many people with lost Christmas spirits, caught up in the material side of it. Children screaming for presents, exhausted beyond belief. Right, this is enjoyable. Me, I prefer the snow, the sledding, hot chocolate, and shopping in little local stores. The stores who's owners I doubt even know what Black Friday is. The best part of Christmas for me is looking a the tree everyday, talking to all my relatives I only see once or twice a year, and the smiles when my family and friends open their presents. That's the true spirit of Christmas.
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