Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by maria on December 19, 2010
"I wanted to take my first fifteen minutes to write whatever to see if it would make sense!"
Minding My Mind
I'm writing for fifteen minutes to get some things off my mind, although the writing will most likely add things too my mind. I won't think about that for now, my mind has been racing for many, many years and I have written many, stories, prayers, poems and any thing that comes to mind. Is any of my writing worth reading? I have heard from some readers that I can write well, but they are my friends and they could be telling me I write well so my feelings would not be hurt. My mind is so busy, hurting my feelings would be a welcome change. I had not realized until now how much I look forward to any situation that will take my mind off my mind. My favorite writing pass time is making up stories for the children that I meet along my journey through life. I wrote a story for my niece N'Zinger who was about nine at the time, about having a tea party. Remembering the times I would get dressed up to go to tea party at my childhood church, I wanted to share with my niece a tradition that is long lost. Another story I wrote for a little girl I met who sucked two fingers, I made her a princess with a secret and whether having that secret would affect her becoming Queen! I have lots of stories, poems and such about the people I have met and perhaps one day I'll write a story about me.More writing by this author
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