Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MissAnnie on August 6, 2014
"This is for Galadriel, my little orange girl who was hit by a car on July 22nd, 2014. "
Hey you, remember me?When I got stuck in the big birch tree?
I cried and cried, and cried some more.
Until - plop! - I fell and got all sore.
Hey you, remember me?
I used to stalk you from your apple tree.
Remember when I’d swat your hair
and you’d reach and grab thin air?
Hey you, remember me?
I used to ask you to feed my tummy.
I’d ask and ask, and ask some more,
get fed up, and start a war.
Hey you, remember me?
I’d scrub my sisters so much they’d flee
Then I’d chase them and pin them down,
and then we’d take naps all round.
Hey you, remember me?
I haven’t really gone, you see.
Just as long as you remember me,
I’ll be here with you, by the apple tree.
Hey you, remember me?
ALT 7-22-2014
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