Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by MissAnnie on May 31, 2015
"I like ice cream. Also Black Cherry ice cream. :)"
Rachel from XYZ Banking
*Hello, I'm Rachel, your local agent with XYZ Banking. We've noticed some unusual activity in your account this past week, and I'm calling to verify that it's you.*I grinned and started the timer. "Hello Rachel. What exactly is this unusual activity?"
*I'd love to tell you, but first I'm going to need to verify that I'm speaking to the correct person. What's your account number? I'm going to run it through our data banks and make sure everything's fine.*
"I haven't memorized my account number yet, hang on just a second and let me find it..." I grinned at Jake. "Let me give the phone to my husband for a minute, the paper must be in my filing drawer."
I handed the phone over. "Hello, who's this?"
*Rachel from XYZ Banking. We've noticed some unusual activity in your wife's account and I'm calling to verify that it's her.*
"Which account is that? She's got about four different banking accounts."
*XYZ Banking.*
"Oh, of course! Yeah, that's the one she uses for rainy days."
*I just need the account number so I can verify that I've got the right person. Has she found it yet?*
Jake turned to me and raised an eyebrow. I held out my hand for the phone, and he grinned.
"Hey Rachel, it's me again. I haven't found the account number yet, just give me a minute to run out and check the chicken coop."
I handed the phone to Jake.
*The... Chicken coop?*
Jake laughed. "Yeah, we don't have any chickens yet, it's quite weather tight, and the black bears can't get in, so we keep all the important papers out there. She'll just be a minute."
*B-black bears?*
"Every so often, yeah. Mostly they lurk around in the back yard. Do you have black bears where you live?"
*No... I've never seen a black bear.*
"Fascinating creatures, Rachel. Very fascinating. Oh, here she is!"
Having never left the room, it was easy for me to be back. I took the phone.
Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. *Have you found it?*
"I think so! ABC Banking?"
*XYZ Banking.*
"Oh! Then it's in the back of the box. I'll be right back."
*I hope she finds it soon...* Rachel said, warily.
"I think she will. She's pretty good at finding things. Hey, isn't there a super hero who can find things?"
For the first time Rachel sounded interested. *I'm not sure that there is, but there should be for sure. What sorts of things?*
"Anything!" Jake grinned. "Kids, dogs, guns, ice cream... Whatever!"
*Ice cream?*
"Why not? Ice cream is very necessary to one's health, you know."
"Yeah! You'd get heat stroke if you didn't have something cold to eat. Besides, it's full of proteins. Add a waffle cone and you've got some fiber too!"
*Now I'm hungry...*
"Hey, my wife and I are making some this weekend to take to her folks. What's your address? We can stop by and give you some."
*67 Smithfield Road, Fairbanks! What kind?*
"Haven't decided on the second kind, but we always make vanilla. What do you like?"
*Black cherry...*
"Okay, I think we have the stuff for that. Oh look, she's back!"
I again took the phone. "Hey Rachel, I don't seem to have an account with XYZ Banking! What's up with that?"
*Maybe I can help you set one up when you bring the ice cream? Although, I'm not sure you really want an account here, it sucks.*
"Okay, maybe I won't bother then. What kind of ice cream are we bringing you?"
*Black cherry and vanilla?*
"Ohh, I love black cherry! Alright, we'll see you then. Take care!"
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