Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The following is a piece of writing submitted by MissAnnie on October 26, 2015
"Fun little doodle I made... :)"
Mister President Sir
Dear Mister President Sir,My name is Jacob and I am 7 years old. I am writing to you because my best friend Wallace says that you're not a real person like my daddy, you're a superhero like Superman or Batman. I say that you're a real person like my daddy so I'm writing this letter to ask you who is right. I hope I am right because if I'm not than I have to get Wallace an ice cream and I would rather eat the ice cream myself.
Also, Mister President Sir, I'm sorry if I didn't get enough Sirs after your name. I wasn't sure how many I needed because I've never written to a President before, except the President of my sister's drama club because he says that she isn't good enough to be in his play and I know he's wrong because she does plays for me at home and they're almost as good as a movie. Is it true that there's a movie theater inside the White House? If there is you should turn off the TV and have my sister put on a play for you. I think you'd like it almost as much as a movie, and then maybe her drama club President would let her be in his play.
Please ignore the drool on the paper, my dog Nick drools over everything I do.
Thank you Mister President Sir,
Jacob age 7
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