Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Chasing a Dream
by Tokyopop1Yeah...that title is terrible but I'm not good with titles. At all. Most stories I write have the main character's name as a title. Anyway, this is my first time writing something like this online... I felt it would be better because I never finish any of my stories. So I though maybe if people actually read it, I would be incined to write more. I really like this story, though I'm better at imagining it than actually writing it down...

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Tokyopop1 on February 1, 2011
"Really hoping I write more... I like this story. It's just been sitting in my head so I decided I'll finally write about it."
1Looking over the valley, JaiMi felt an exhilerating feeling of happiness. She had saved money since she was a sophomore, getting a job and skipping out on time with friends, and now that she had graduated high school she was backpacking through Asia. She was so proud of herself, overcoming her shyness and fear. She had decided a few years ago she would do this, she would discover who she is and what she wants. She wanted even more, though. Her plan was simple. She would do as she wanted, backpacking through the beautiful countries in Asia. She would finish her trip in South Korea. There, she would become a singer. Simple. Despite the fact that she knew with such certainty what she was going to do, she was scared and unsure. She knew she was asking for something almost impossible. People back home tried to tell her she wouldn't be accepted. It was bad enough she was a foreignor, but she was only part Japanese. Not even whole, or at least part Korean. Though everyone was more or less just concerned with trying to keep her from going to Asia and not from going after a dream, sure that such a quiet and unrememorable girl could become a successful singer anyway, no matter where she was. They were worried because it was dangerous for a girl to backpack alone in another country. She was told again and again that this was a bad idea. She laughed to herself as she remembered solving this problem. Turning around, she yelled to the person still trying to catch his breath far behind her, "Hyun-Ki! Would you hurry it up?" She could see him look at her with his usual scowl that he honored only her with. "Go to hell!" She couldn't help but laugh. She and Hyun-Ki had a mutual dislike for each other. While JaiMi was usually morally upright, she couldn't let her family worry about her. So she found a way to blackmail Hyun-Ki Park, the Korean student in her math class. He fit in well enough at school, being fluent in English with barely an accent. He was also a smooth talker who became a bit of a player at JaiMi's school, spending more time out with girls instead of focusing on grades. He came from a rich and important family though, who would have pulled him out of the States immediately if they found out. She used this to her advantage and got him to "agree" to go with her after they graduated. Even though this arrangement didn't change JaiMi's view of him, he used every chance he got to try to infuriate her, perhaps trying to let him out of their deal. But she stood strong and now they were in Vietnam. Finally, Hyun-Ki caught up. "Can we at least stay in a nice hotel or something this time?" he pleaded. JaiMi turned toward him swiftly. "We aren't even in a city, what kind of hotel are you expecting? And it is so much nicer when people offer to let us stay in there homes. If that doesn't happen we'll stay in a hostel somewhere. Stop being such a baby. It's beautiful and I can't enjoy it with your constant whining."
Hyun-Ki sighed and lingered in that spot for a few seconds as JaiMi walked on. She was so mean, definitely not the quiet, sweet girl he had assumed so long ago. He must have been paying for the Karma he accumulated breaking so many hearts. "Are you coming?" he heard JaiMi yell from ahead.
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