Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Ten Minutes
Ten minutes.At times it seems like forever.
At times it seems like not enough.
Ten minutes.
To live.
To die.
To think.
To write.
Ten minutes.
If that is all I had left, I'd call her and tell her that I love her so deeply, that I love her with every part of my being.
If I only had ten minutes, I'd write everything down that I could possibly think of saying to her, to my family, to my best friends.
If I only had ten minutes, I would cry, weep until I felt I had had enough.
If I only had ten minutes, I'd draw the image of the memories that sit in my mind.
If I only had ten minutes, I'd thank the people who mean the most to me, for being there, right by my side.
If I only had ten minutes, I'd write a letter, a letter of death.
If I only had ten minutes, I'd do the craziest things I could think of.
Then, I would count the seconds until my final breath, and with that final breath, I'd say, "I am in love with you Vanessa Franco, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and I am so glad that you were in my life."
And she would know, and she would finally understand that everything I ever said and wrote to her was true.
If I only had ten minutes, that is what I would do.
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