Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by katiedarling- on March 25, 2011
"Grab Bag: optional, smoke, fluidity, dawn, newsstand, unspoken"
Running away
My love for you was never optional, against my will I fell in love with you, and I actually accepted it.I guess it wasn't not consensual because I loved you with all I had.
I still remember the smoke of the cigarettes we burned up, inhaling their poison, charring our lungs.
Now that you're gone I've realized much about myself, and you.
I've come to the conclusion that my gender is fluid.
I've learned more about fluidity in general.
It's the dawn of a new day for me, I'm starting over, even if I still love you.
I'm thinking all of these unspoken thoughts as I'm standing at this newsstand, and as I turn around I see the sun rising up behind the clouds.
And suddenly you're by my side, and I don't panic.
I'm calm, a heavy calm, and as I look at you, I see how beautiful you are, and I think of all the mistakes I made with you.
I tell you I love you, then walk away.
Tears burning my eyes, and my feet picking up pace.
I'm running away.
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