Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I am lying here, and I feel the blood in my body rushing through each of my veins.They are the roots to my heart.
I feel you deep in my bones, knocking on their insides, making my kneecaps turn to jello.
You are tackling my brain, vaccinating each thought, catching fire, and curling into black ash.
You told me I was beautiful, and I felt your words tattoo my heart, stinging with each letter.
My fingertips, they remind me of ripples in a lake, and when they trace your lips, they turn to wrinkled silk.
There is a warmth spreading from my heart to my fingertips, to my toes, and it cuts me like blades.
I feel overwhelmed, with such strong emotion, and it stings me like a jellyfish.
This emotion, is complicated, like the weaved thoughts and imaginations you see in your sleep.
It burns and turns my heart to ash, then restores it, brand new, like the magestic phoenix.
It's like cotton, drying my mouth, and it doesn't feel right, but it is.
This emotion swallows me whole, and makes me drift still as sound, amongst calm seas.
And as I drift, my thoughts die out, and for just one second, all I feel is serene peace.
Nothing more, nothing more.
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