Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
I feel like my life has fallen to pieces.To think that months worth of poetry is going to be deleted.
My emotions don't even mean anything anymore.
I make mistakes, don't we all?
I'm so tired.
"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just tired"
This lie I must tell everyday now, it seems.
Nothing extremely exciting happens to me.
But now I feel empty.
My appetite is lost.
My heart is breaking once again.
Words I can't make myself say are filling my thoughts, and I am lost.
I want to break skin, mutilate myself.
I feel as if I deserve it somehow.
A failure, a disappointment in my parent's eyes.
All because I can't talk to them about me, my feelings, my own life.
They don't know me.
They really don't.
They think I'm the girly-girl I once used to be.
But no, I'm not.
Time has changed things.
They don't get it.
They don't get me.
Their own daughter...she's not even what they want her to be.
I need to be free.
Let me make mistakes.
Let me be alone.
Just let me be.
Don't make me feel like I'm nothing when something happens.
Please, I've had too much of that throughout my life.
Can I please just stop breathing?
Can't I please just give up, and stop pushing through the excruciating obstacles life is throwing at me so quickly?
Can't my heart please just stop beating, so at last I can just be at peace?
Will I ever be at peace?
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