Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The Healings of a Broken Heart
by MariaWhat would you do if you got your heart broken for the first time ever by a boy that you thought was truly the one for you? Cry for a while and let time heal it? Well, then answer this next question: What would you do if that guy was also going out with two of your best friends? Cry a little longer perhaps? Maybe end your friendship with those two friends of yours?<br><br>Well, that's exactly what Saphire Stonez did. She had her heart broken by a guy, named William Dunbar; to her William Dumbar. She found out that her two best friends ever - one named Yumi Ishiyama and the other her cousin, Aelita Schaeffer - who were both oblivious to the fact that there was more than one girl in William's life. Not only did Saphire cry, but she also took a drastic decision. Her decision changed her whole life for the worse.<br><br>Now, you must be wondering this: how can one boy, plus one little decision cause so much mayhem in Saphire's life. Well, to find out you're just going have to read from the beginning to the end.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Maria on May 15, 2011
"Saphire's New Outfit:
The Healings of a Broken Heart: 01
Saphire's POV:Ever since my breakup with William, guys think that they can just line up and start asking me out. I got so sick and tired of it all! Like, why can't they just understand that I'm not looking for another boyfriend. How is that so hard to understand? They never asked me out before and now they think that they can just ask me out, after I had my heart broken for the first time? I have had just about enough of all this crap! Drastic times call for drastic measures, or something like that. There's only one thing that'll stop all this and that is a little change, or maybe a lot of change.
It was a Sunday evening. I had decided to go shopping. I took a bus to the mall and went hunting for some new clothes. I bought some new clothes, shoes, and some makeup. After that I went to the salon to get my hair done. I told one of the ladies what to do. At first she looked at me, confused, but then she shrugged it off and got down to work. When I got back to Kadic, it was almost dark. I hurried to my room. I took out my old clothes and put them in a small brown box. Then I put my new clothes up in the hangers. I didn't have any homework, so I went to bed early. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow it'll all change for the better; I hope.
Before I went to sleep, I had set my alarm clock to 6:30. When it rang, I turned it off. I didn't have a roommate and I was glad of that. I quickly slipped on my new clothes and put on some makeup. I looked at my appearance in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. I looked at my alarm clock, 7:00.
"Time for breakfast," I said to myself. "And time for everyone to see your new look, Saphire."
I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I didn't meet anyone in the hall.
'Good, everyone's at the cafeteria.' I thought.
When I got to the lunchroom, I saw everyone freeze and stare at me. Usually, if that happened any other day, I would've blushed like crazy and run away from there. But, today for some reason I felt brave. So, I just smiled at everyone and walked over to my friends. They were at our usual table. I saw Aelita seated next to Jeremie. Across from them was Ulrich sitting alone, guess Yumi's not here yet.
"Saphire?" Aelita asked, looking at me in disbelief.
"Hi." I said simply.
"What did you do?"
"Just a little change."
I heard everyone go back to normal and heard Yumi's voice from behind me.
"Hi, everybody," she said. When she saw me, she looked horrified. "Whoa, what'd you do to yourself?"
"I have decided to change my appearance to keep the boys away from me." I answered.
Yumi sat down next to Ulrich and I sat on his other side.
"So, you're gonna stay like that forever?" Ulrich asked me.
"Yup. Probably till I'm dead." I said.
"What about your other clothes?" Aelita asked this time.
"I'll donate them to charity."
I started eating breakfast and soon the others did too. I thought that maybe turning into this would change things for good, but actually I just made it a whole lot worse. Now that I was like this, Sissi's teasing got worse. But, hey, at least the boy's stopped. My new image was emo/goth.
Today I had worn a mini black skirt with hot pink tights, pink and black high top converses, black and fuchsia fingerless gloves, and a black and pink hoodie with cat ears. The store I had to visit to get all these was Hot Topic. The store where you can find emo/goth type of clothing. But, the clothes look awesome. I was also wearing lots of eyeliner and black nail polish. And my hair never looked better. It was still black, but now it had a few hot pink streaks in it. I think I looked awesome. I don't care what anyone else thinks of me. I will always stay like this, no matter what. I'll never change now and no one in this world can make me change back to what I used to be, and that's a fact!
The Healings of a Broken Heart: 02
Saphire's POV:Two years passed by and Yumi, Aelita, and I become separated. Yumi and Aelita talked... occasionally. But, I never spoke one word with them. People think it's because of my new image, but the truth is that I've let them go. Rumors were spreading about me and since I was friends with them and Ulrich and Jeremie, rumors spread about them too. So, I decided to leave them, to rid them of the trouble.
I didn't necessarily leave Kadic. I couldn't even if I wanted to; back home was way worse than it was here. But, as the saying goes: “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.†Maybe they'll come back and maybe they won't.
It was really hard at first because Aelita was my cousin and I would have to see her when there were the holidays, when we went home and stuff. And I really missed Yumi sometimes, she was first friend here.
Right now, I was rolling as fast as I could to homeroom, before the bell rang. Someone had turned my alarm clock off in the middle of the night and it didn't ring this morning. When I finally did wake up, it was 7:20. Class started at 7:40. I didn't have time to shower or eat breakfast. I just quickly put some clothes on and brushed through the knots in my hair, luckily there was many. I fixed it to hide my face, as usual and grabbed my skateboard, with only five minutes left.
I had already been late twice to Mrs. Burnes's class, one more time and something bad would happen. I don't know what, but I knew it would be horrible. My legs were killing me and I was still very tired. While I tried to roll faster and faster, one name burned in my mind: Sissi. She was the reason for this. She had helpers, Herve and Nicholas, but I had her more than them. One of them, I'm guessing Herve, must've picked the lock on my door, while I was asleep and turned my alarm clock off then. I felt like killing that bitch. Normally, I would never curse, but I've changed now, so I do.
For like a second, I closed my eyes. I know I shouldn't have, but for some reason I did. That was enough time to bang into something hard. I fell to the ground, my skateboard right next to me. I looked up and saw a boy instead of a tree, which is what I expected. He was kinda cute, what am I saying?!
"Hey, are you ok?" he asked, coming over to me.
For some reason, I couldn't stop staring at him. What is the matter with me?
"Uh, hello?" he continued.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." I went back to normal.
He held his hand out for me, but I ignored it and got up on my own. I grabbed my skateboard and looked at my cell for the time. Two minutes left! I was about to leave, but the guy stopped me.
"Wait! Do you know where the main office is?" he asked.
"Uh..." I tried to think. I had forgotten everything, in my hurry.
I got on my skateboard and rolled away after answering, "On the first floor, third door on your right!"
I had finally got into the school, I actually rolled my skateboard into the hallway. One of teachers - I think it was Mr. Delmar, I had him last year - started yelling at me, but I just ignored him.
'I'm almost there,' I thought. 'Come on, Saph, you can do it!'
I finally reached the outside of the classroom, I quickly stuffed my skateboard into my backpack. I didn't stop to look at my cell phone again, because I could see the huge clock that was hanging on the ceiling, and I would just be wasting more time. Five seconds. I raced into the room and looked at Mrs. Burnes.
"I see you've made it into class today on time," she said. "But next time, you won't be." her face darkened.
God, sometimes I felt like punching her old, wrinkly, little face and just keep punching her till she's lying in a pool of her own blood. The blood staining her gray clothes, her gray hair, and her gray face. Everything about her was gray, boring, old and bitter.
"Now, can you please take your seat, so I could begin my lesson?" she said to me.
I walked past Sissi to my desk and her saw her smirk at me. I glared back at her. My seat was all the way in the back of the room. I loved sitting there, it was the best in all of the classrooms. That's where I sat in most of my classes and I loved it. Aelita was in this class with me and I could feel her eyes on me when I entered the classroom.
Fifteen minutes into Mrs. Burnes boring lesson, someone knocked on the door. Everyone looked up, but I didn't bother to.
"Um, I'm a new kid." I heard someone say. Where have I heard that voice before?
I looked up and saw the guy from before, the one I had banged into.
"Ah, yes, hello. What is your name?" Mrs. Burnes said to him.
"Odd. Odd Della Robbia." he answered.
"Well, that's a peculiar name."
I noticed his eyes meet mine, he smiled and I looked away.
"What class are you in?"
The guy, Odd, told Mrs. Burnes his classroom number and I realized he was in my class.
"Is there anyone that's in that class?" Mrs. Burnes asked the class.
Aelita and a few other kids raised their hands. I didn't, well that is until Mrs. Burnes shot me a look. That's when I slowly raised my hand.
"Well, then you may go take a seat next to Saphire. Saphire, raise your hand high so this young man can see it."
I groaned and did as I was told.
The guy took a seat next to me and it looked as if his smile had widened. All the while we were in class, he wouldn't stop staring and smiling at me. Like, what gives? No guy has ever looked at me the same way as before I changed. But, he was staring at me as if I was his long-lost-friend or something.
And in like almost every class he had to sit next to me, because that was the only seat left over. No liked to sit next to me and I liked it like that.
After school time was over, I decided to go out and take a walk in the woods. After walking for a while, I felt like I was being followed. I heard a twig snap from behind me, I gasped and quickly turned around, but saw nothing. But, then I felt someone's breath on my neck; it smelled of cherries. I heard someone whisper in my ear, "Hello, Saphire, you sure have changed a lot. But, I still love you the same." Whoever was behind me kissed my ear and I shuddered.
I struggled to remember to owner of the voice. A name finally popped into my head and I could feel fear wash over me. The name that popped into my head was none other than: LANDON! It had been two years since I've last seen him. That day when HE saved me, I remembered it all too well. Ever since HE broke my heart, I have been calling William anything but his name.
His name brought back memories, which brought back tears, which were impossible to hold back if I were to think of him. But right now was not the time to rant about how much I hated William; now was the time to run for my life. As I ran I wondered about something. Why was Landon here today? Today wasn't any special day and nothing specific happened on this day, so why pick today out of all other days to come?
There was like nobody outside, which mean there was no witnesses who would see what Landon did to me. I tried to run faster, but I just couldn't for some reason. I felt someone grab my arm. I thought it was Landon, but I saw that it was only Odd.
"Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?" he asked.
"Let go of me!" I cried.
Odd held onto my wrist even tighter than before. I put my hand over his to get him to let go, but he just wouldn't.
"Hey, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"
Odd reached over and wiped a tear away, that I didn't know existed.
I pulled, tugged, pinched, I did everything but he just wouldn't let go of my hand. Why? Why is all I want to know.
"I-I need to go, or h-h-he'll k-kill me!" I stuttered.
"What? Where?" Odd asked.
"I-in the woods."
As soon as I said those words, Odd began dragging me off to somewhere. I realized he was taking me back to the woods! If fear was money, I swear I'd be a billionaire by now.
"So, where is he?" Odd asked.
I wondered how he knew Landon was a guy, but then I realized that if it was a girl I probably wouldn't have been scared or running away from her.
"He-he was right here!" I said.
Odd looked around, but Landon was nowhere to be found.
"Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination?"
I couldn't have been imagining it.
"I wasn't! I-I smelled his scent, I heard his voice, and I felt his breath on my neck. I'm not lying." I didn't add the kissing part, I don't know why though.
"Well, he's gone now, so you don't have to worry anymore," Odd said. "Who was he anyway?"
Should I tell him? But, I don't know him. I don't know if I can trust him or not. I turned around and wiped away all my tears before answering, "Landon."
"Who's Landon?"
"Nobody you would ever want to meet."
I think Odd was about to something more, but he didn't bother.
"So, um, why is your hair always in your face?" I heard Odd ask.
Odd put a hand on my hair and was about to move it back, but I moved back.
"It's none of your business!" I told him.
I quickly ran away from there. When I got to my room, I quickly locked the door and shut all the windows. Then I sat down on my bed. This day it was so familiar to the day when William saved my life. I half expected a phone call from Yumi, like I did that day. But, since Yumi and I don't talk anymore, she didn't call. And even though Odd didn't exactly save me, I still couldn't forget about it. Who was he? And why did he make me feel this way?
The Healings of a Broken Heart: 03
Saphire's POV:The next day was Saturday and I was out riding around in my skateboard. I noticed Odd getting some coffee from the coffee machine. He waved at me, but I pretended I didn't see him. But, then he walked over to me and stepped in front of me.
"Hey." he said.
"What do you want?" I asked.
I was annoyed, but I don't really know why. I guess it was because Odd treated me so differently from the others; he smiled at me and talked with me. That wasn't natural or...normal. He was different from the others; too different.
"Since I'm new here and you're like the only person I really know so far, I was wondering if you could give me a tour."
I was about to shoot a clever remark back at him like, "What do I look like, a school guide?" But, I didn't.
I agreed to it. I had nothing better to do anyway. I rolled on my skateboard as I showed Odd around the outside of the school and what was what. I also told him some of the shortcuts to get to class, gym, or bathroom faster. But, there was this one shortcut that I didn't tell him about. I was the only one who knew about it and I wanted it to stay that way. I don't like changes, never have and never will. For me, nothing ever changes for the good, only for the worse.
Anyway, I saw little Miss Prissy Sissi strutting up to us.
"Oh, Saphire, I see you're giving a tour to the new kid. How sweet of you!" she squealed.
"What do you want, Sissi?" I spat.
"Nothing, really. I've already got everything I've ever wanted." she got that right.
"Then, why are you here?"
"Well, I just think that I can do a better job than you are you doing. Besides, I am the principal's daughter and I do now everything there is to know about this school."
"Yeah, I bet you were there when it was being built."
The school was like about 50 years old, I'm surprised it's not breaking down to the ground by now.
Sissi started talking with Odd, so I guess my work here is done.
"Well, good luck." I said.
"I don't need luck; I was born with it." Sissi replied.
"I wasn't talking to you, bitch!"
"Ugh!" Sissi crossed her hands over her stomach.
"Ugh!" I mocked her.
Before I turned and left, I looked at Odd and said, "You'll need it."
The next day, guess what I saw. Two new lovebirds strolling on the campus ground. And that would be: Little Miss Prissy Sissi and the new guy, Odd. Why am I not surprised? Oh, maybe it's because it happens all the time.
Whenever Sissi spots some guy, she either steals them from another girl, or they just go crawling after her. Then she makes them work like a slave. And that's exactly what's going to happen to Mr. Odd Della Robbia. First, she acts all sweet and innocent around them. Then, she starts getting a little mean. Next, she gets all bossy and bitchy. And finally, she does emotional blackmail, so they can't leave her till she breaks up with you, which is when she's bored and have no more use for them. And it shouldn't be long before that happens.
The Healings of a Broken Heart: 04
Saphire's POV:One week later, I was hanging around when I saw the new lovebirds coming my way. I saw the little princess, Sissi walking and behind her was the royal fool, Odd, walking behind her carrying a ton of books.
"So, I see you've turned another guy into a pack mule." I said.
I saw Sissi look around, searching for my voice.
"Up here." Sissi looked up.
I was sitting on a tall ledge that circled around the school - if you wanted to go out at night, you would have to climb over it, which wasn't really that easy - and eating a cookie.
"What do you want?" Sissi asked.
"Nothin'; just strollin' around." I answered.
"More like spying on me and my boyfriend."
"You can think of it as you want."
"Uh, Sissi," I heard Odd say from behind the pile of books. "When can I put these down?"
"In my room." she said.
"Uh ok."
"If I were I'd break up with her." I suggested.
"Ugh, are you trying to ruin our relationship?"
"What relationship? All you do all day is boss him around and stuff. That's how you treat a servant, not a boyfriend!"
"What do you know about relationships? You hate boys!"
"I know plenty."
"Fine, look; Herve! Nicholas!"
Sissi's little comrades, who I didn't notice until now, walked up to us.
"Take these books to my room!" Sissi instructed.
They both took the books unhappily and then walked away. Then she grabbed Odd and kissed him. I saw his hands wrap themselves around her body.
"Ugh!" I made a disgusted face.
Then I jumped down from the ledge and walked away.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Maria on May 15, 2011
"This was actually supposed to be with the last ch. I posted, but oh well."
The Healings of a Broken Heart: 04 1/2
Odd's POV:I don't know why I'm with Sissi. I mean, I like her, but not the relationship way. She really seems to like me, but I don't know. The first few days, she treated me well. But, then after a couple of days, she started getting meaner and meaner by the day. She makes me gets things for her, do things for her, she spends all my money on unnecessary, girly things, and stuff like that. It's like I more of a dog, than her boyfriend.
I've also noticed something strange about Saphire. She doesn't talk with anybody and she's always hiding her face. And for some reason I feel attracted to her. Even though I can't really see her face, I think she's really interesting and she must be better than Sissi. And what kind of name is Sissi anyway?
Maybe I should break up with her, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. No matter how mean she is she must still have feelings. Oh, what am I gonna do?
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