Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The Healings of a Broken Heart
by MariaIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: The Healings of a Broken Heart

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Maria on May 15, 2011
"This was actually supposed to be with the last ch. I posted, but oh well."
The Healings of a Broken Heart: 04 1/2
Odd's POV:I don't know why I'm with Sissi. I mean, I like her, but not the relationship way. She really seems to like me, but I don't know. The first few days, she treated me well. But, then after a couple of days, she started getting meaner and meaner by the day. She makes me gets things for her, do things for her, she spends all my money on unnecessary, girly things, and stuff like that. It's like I more of a dog, than her boyfriend.
I've also noticed something strange about Saphire. She doesn't talk with anybody and she's always hiding her face. And for some reason I feel attracted to her. Even though I can't really see her face, I think she's really interesting and she must be better than Sissi. And what kind of name is Sissi anyway?
Maybe I should break up with her, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. No matter how mean she is she must still have feelings. Oh, what am I gonna do?
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