Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by aitsuu on June 2, 2011
"Please don't take this entry personal. haha, I'm not a depressed child, not at all. If you talk to me elsewhere, I use emoticons like crazy, and I laugh so often with the "haha"s and what nots."
I'm not a dreamer, nor do I wish to succeed in the dreams of my parents, friends, teachers, and other people. Though, I will accept their advice, just to absorb the information or ignore it silently. I'm at the stage of my life, where I know what I want to do, but I'm too afraid to go through with it. I know that there are so many others before me that have done much greater things, have received recognition beyond my own, which happens to be nothing. I can only hope that I don't end up at the corner of the street with empty pockets and unwashed hair. In the end, I'm just stressed, with unnecessary thoughts of the future, for it isn't what happens when, its what happens now. I guess I'll just have to wait for now to happen.Did that sound profound? I sure hope it did, it took me roughly four minutes to improv. that. I truthfully wish to become someone in the arts. Whether it be fashion, interior design, or ultimately a greeting card designer, it's my dream to accomplish that simple goal. I suppose its not practical for someone of my low caliber to hope for something like that, but hey, I can still dream right? On a side note, I'm also interesting in Marketing and, ahem, Creative Director/Management. Even if my name isn't associated with my name, as long as I get paid and know that people love my idea, I'm satisfied. Though...credit sometimes would be nice, wouldn't you say? It is now almost seven minutes and I'll start the next paragraph.
If you haven't noticed already, this is like a Diary. Not a very good one, might I add. I think that if I could turn back time, I'd go back about three years, oh. Those were the golden days. So happy, and not tan. I was mistaken for a Filipino the other day, I was so sad. I'm Chinese. GOSH DANG IT. haha. oops, I'm showing my grammatically incorrect side. tee hee. but this is how I'm going to end my entry. I don't think you'll be reading anymore of my things. At least I hope you don't.
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