Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Jamocha on September 20, 2011
"Heaven knows how bad I am at poetry--especailyl rhyming poetry--but since free verse isn't exactly my cup of tea (granted that it's not catchy, and I can't stand that), I had to think deep to get this out. I was fortunate to get extra assistance from my friends at RhymeZone."
Changing Seasons--Come Fall
The air starts to cool,and clouds roll by,
a gentle wind blows,
letting birds fly.
Autums leaves rustle
and shake 'till they fall
Leaving clusters of color
that amaze and apall.
Dust is gone
come morning next day
since the so gentle winds
have swept it away.
The needles, they redden
and fall from the briar
and fall on the shoulders
donned warmer attire.
A crisp sour air
has defeated the warm
as summer has perished
with Fall taking form.
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