Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by southgateharper on August 17, 2011
"I cannot remember my dreams, can you?"
Dreams, Part I
I very rarely remember my dreams. When I do , they tend to be horrific nightmares that leave me waking up sweating bullets and saying to myself "it was only a nightmare!". But they seem so real when they happen and I do remember them.That's what I find so interesting about dreams - that they seem so real. Even if they are nightmares rather than "good" dreams, they are still fascinating. For that point in time, and who knows how long the dreams really last? - what seems like hours in dreamland could take place in a matter of minutes or even seconds - do we really even know?
I can't even remember a distinctive, memorable nightmare right now, no matter how hard I try to recall. Maybe we are programmed genetically to just have the nightmare and then forget it, kind of a way of purging ourself , in a way, of something bad. Actually I do recall a nightmare I had once now.
I had been up late working on an essay for grade eleven social studies / community recreation. I was in this cr0ss-curricular program, but that's a whole other story. Anyhow, I finished the essay and when I went to sleep I had this I guess I did put a lot of thought into it. But handwriting it out practically killed me. That is why I was up half the night writing it - just trying to make a neat good copy! This was before the era of computers and printers. The old days!!
Anyhow, I wish I could remember a good dream, but at least I remembered one. Maybe that is why some people write down their dreams when they wake up. Because otherwise we cannot remember them. I wonder if that is true for everyone or if I am the only one who cannot remember his dreams?
Since I still have three minutes left, I will write a little about a song called "Dreams", by the Allman Brothers. But the version I liked when I was younger was a cover version by the band Molly Hatchet. I saw them do it live in Seattle at a concert that also had Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult. It's a fun song to play on guitar because it's got a good simple chord groove going on. But it is deceptively difficult in its simplicity, if that makes any sense to you. It will if you play guitar. Just d sus to d and then to c, back and forth, with good soulfull lyrics. Time 's up!
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