Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Claire on January 16, 2008
"It's my first post, so don't be too harsh. Haha.<br>I didn't have a plan for this piece. <br>I just thought that i'd write and see what came out.<br>"
I know of no evil, I see no sins.Yet I am bound to this place like a sin itself.
With only a flicker of hope to guide my way.
Grasping at the threads of a thousand dreams.
Skipping through my very mind,
and never have i felt so close to religion.
But God is not the hand that guides me,
no, 'tis my mind's own wandering eye.
It leads me through the roaring fires, to safety on high.
I breathe deep, inhaling the new dimension.
For I am free at last and never shall be held.
I'll battle my way, forever more.
No man shall ever know the feeling until it comes to them.
And when it does, have mercy.
For they are the saviours of our dying world.
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