Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on April 4, 2008
"This is in response to Sylvan Sylph’s post, Mosquito .
Try as you will to disguise it as a poem denigrating that loveliest of all seasons, spring, any rational person can see it for what it is—a thinly veiled attempt to lay claim to the title of having the shortest poem on this site.
Concise is nice, however, our concern is not with quantity, but with constantly endeavoring to improve quality.
It’s hard to believe that anyone would take a site like this, dedicated as it is to the furtherance an art, that of writing, and make a crass attempt to reduce it to some kind of numbers contest. Oh how it hurts to see such a thing. It grieves me to the very core of my being. I’m wounded. I’m crushed. But what can one do when faced with an adversary willing to plumb such depths. I do the only thing I can think of under the circumstances.
Try as you will to disguise it as a poem denigrating that loveliest of all seasons, spring, any rational person can see it for what it is—a thinly veiled attempt to lay claim to the title of having the shortest poem on this site.
Concise is nice, however, our concern is not with quantity, but with constantly endeavoring to improve quality.
It’s hard to believe that anyone would take a site like this, dedicated as it is to the furtherance an art, that of writing, and make a crass attempt to reduce it to some kind of numbers contest. Oh how it hurts to see such a thing. It grieves me to the very core of my being. I’m wounded. I’m crushed. But what can one do when faced with an adversary willing to plumb such depths. I do the only thing I can think of under the circumstances.
Thoughts on Certain Poetry Ostensibly About Spring
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