Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on April 11, 2008
"A thought about the importance of obedience and gratefulness when seeking the Promised Land."
Desert Experience
God, I’m out here in the desertLooking for the Promised Land.
Let me move when I see you move,
And then stop at your command.
When you feed me with your manna,
Help me, Lord, to be content,
Lest I find myself in deep distress
And hasting to repent.
As you furnish bread from heaven,
What you give is just enough,
All I need and yet none wasted.
Can I really call that rough?
Lord, you know I love to wander,
And I have a thankless heart.
Give me grace, and show me mercy,
As you finish what you start.
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