Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on April 12, 2008
"The older I get, the more sure I become of one thing; God is in charge. He is absolutely sovereign. Nothing is out of His control and it's good to know that we're in His hands."
Forever in Charge
All the demons of hell cheered and shouted with glee,As the Promised of God hung on Calvary’s tree.
He was dead! It had gone as their master had planned!
But there’s something that they didn’t quite understand.
Though it looked liked their master accomplished his will,
There’s a Master, far greater, who’s running things still.
Although Satan and mankind determine to fight,
They’re just pawns in a game, when compared to His might.
Every knee in the universe one day will bend,
As He draws all things down to deliberate end.
There is nothing that God ever purposed to do
That has not, or won’t someday, turn out to be true.
When the soldiers of Rome printed “King” on the sign,
It was just one more part of the Master’s design.
As He hung on the cross to redress Adam’s fall,
He’s anointed to one day be King of it all.
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