Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on May 24, 2008
"How often we major on the minors and lose sight of the main point. I remember trying to work up a lot of faith, and spending much time contemplating the size of a mustard seed in an attempt to figure out how much faith I needed. The point that Jesus was making was that a mustard seed is very small, but God is very big."
Mountain Moving Faith
Oh Lord, it sure would be a thrillTo have the faith to move a hill.
But how great is the trust I need?
Just how big is this mustard seed?
I know it’s small, but still it’s tough
To generate belief enough.
I prayed for faith that all could see,
But God said, “It’s not you, but me.
Faith comes from being in the Word,
Which testifies about your Lord.
Immerse yourself in knowing God
And faith is part of your reward.
Pursue the Giver, not the prize,
And one day you will realize,
What moves the mountain to the sea
Is not the faith you have, but Me.”
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