Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by lostcerebellumIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Love

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on August 28, 2008
"Don’t grieve for me. The last time I was ditched was almost forty years ago, and I can now actually say I’m thankful that it happened. I just wrote this because the last line got stuck in my head, and I was trying to write a poem to go with it-- one that would convey the anguish that one feels when a relationship is torn apart. It’s something that pretty much everyone goes through, often more than once, maybe as a teenager, or in a divorce, and it really hurts. And at times you just wonder how you can go on. When you’re in the process, it seems that the pain will never end. Usually it does, eventually. Sometimes it just lessens with time. But it’s hard to look down the road when you’re going through such an experience."
Ocean of Tears
We swore we’d always be together;Our love would last eternally.
Now it’s looking like forever’s
Not as long to you as me.
I wish those words had stayed unspoken,
But you told me, “It’s goodbye.”
My heart was left so torn and broken,
Wanting nothing, but to die.
Is there no respite from this grieving?
Will it ever go away?
My only hope is in believing
I can last another day.
If I do, then there’s tomorrow,
With its ache and misery,
Bringing anguish, bearing sorrow,
And tormenting memories.
They say that time makes all wounds better,
But then scars are what remain.
Are they release from all these fetters,
Or just dulling of the pain?
Can I get through this, I wonder,
As the days drag on like years?
Sometimes I think I’m going under,
Drowning in an ocean of tears.
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