Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on September 12, 2008
"I’m pretty sure almost no one will know what the Maginot Line is, unless they’re as old as I am, or paid really good attention in school. Probably they don’t even teach about it in school anymore. But maybe there’s a history buff out there who will understand what this is about. For the rest of you, a quick synopsis. Prior to World War 2, France expected a German invasion, so they spent several billion dollars (in francs) to build a ten mile wide system of defenses along the French/German border. The German answer was to go around it. You can find some good pictures of the defense system on the internet, since the Germans didn’t have to destroy it to invade France. It’s quite interesting."
The Maginot Line
There’s a line that was drawn to defend from a foe,Built of concrete and steel, layered row upon row.
With machine gun and cannon and bunker and mine,
No expenses were spared in this splendid design.
But alas, all the planning was less than ideal.
Like Achilles, it too had a vincible heel.
Though the line didn’t yield or collapse from a blow,
Still, the world kind of laughs at the word “Maginot.”
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