Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by lostcerebellumIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Love

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on October 2, 2008
"A bride’s thoughts wander back over the years, as she looks at the man who is about to give her away."
Daddy’s Little Girl
It was a short intensive stayInside the labor room that day,
And then you heard the doctor say,
“It’s a little girl.”
You said it’s been a brand new game;
Your life has never been the same.
I think I’ll gladly take the blame –
Your little girl.
Sometimes you’d take me to the park.
I’d swing and play till after dark,
Oh, I was happy as a lark
To be your girl.
While you would read to me at night
And reach up to turn out the light,
It seemed that life was just so right
For your little girl.
And as you tucked me into bed
And then bent down to kiss my head,
It spoke of more than could be said
To your little girl.
The years have started to accrue.
At times it seemed they nearly flew.
You stood amazed at how I grew –
Your little girl.
Well, Daddy, I’m a woman now.
Today I’m going to take a vow
And yet, I’ll always be, somehow,
Your little girl.
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