Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by lostcerebellum
The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on December 1, 2008
"I wrote this after hearing about the Wal-Mart worker who was trampled to death on the day after Thanksgiving by a frenzied crowd of shoppers in Valley Stream, New York.
In my lifetime it seems like our society has gone from having almost nothing, and appreciating everything, to having almost everything, and appreciating nothing.
In my lifetime it seems like our society has gone from having almost nothing, and appreciating everything, to having almost everything, and appreciating nothing.
Christmas Past and Christmas Present
The Christmases of long agoFelt peaceful, like the falling snow.
It seemed that love grew far and near
And acts of kindness spread good cheer,
With “Merry Christmas!” yelled aloud
To strangers in a bustling crowd.
The air outside was always cool
But warmth somehow still seemed to rule.
I want to ask, “Where did they go,
Those Christmases of long ago?”
Today the heat comes from debate
Of separating church and state,
The atmosphere so charged with hate
That people fear to celebrate.
Why has the season altered so?
In truth, I think I really know.
The focus shifted from the Son
And self became our number one.
So now, instead of peace and love,
We have a world of push and shove,
And people die beneath the heels
Of maddened throngs intent on deals.
Oh, how I miss those days so dear,
The Christmases of yesteryear.

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on December 11, 2008
"This was another response to the prompt to write a Christmas poem in anapestic tetrameter, but I didn’t know we were limited to one. I guess I’ll just have to put it here.
It Soon Will Be Christmas
Oh, it soon will be Christmas, our dear Savior’s birth,And we’ll celebrate wildly throughout all the earth—
Lots of music and parties and reindeer and elves;
In the stores all the merchandise flies off the shelves.
We can drive round the town, taking in all the sights
And then shop at the stores that stay open all night.
Lots of sales, just for “Xmas,” appeal to our greed,
But our minds will perceive it as deep-seated need.
All the children are told to act just as they should,
For there’s someone who knows if they’re naughty or good.
And he’s so omnipresent, omniscient and wise
That there’s no sense to try to pull wool o’er his eyes.
Our rewards are doled out by this one who knows all.
(He’s the red-suited fat guy you see at the mall.)
Yes, it soon will be Christmas on earth everywhere,
But I wonder if Jesus will even be there?

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on December 5, 2010
"I once heard a Jewish man say that he didn't understand why Christians made such a fuss about Christmas. It seemed to him that we would put more emphasis on the Easter season. I tend to agree with him.
We really have no idea when Jesus was born, as if God planned it that way in order that we would concentrate on his death and resurrection, which we can date exactly.
It strikes me as strange as well, that so many people are happy to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, but despise the man who died on the cross for them.
One thing is for sure, Christmas isn't about Santa Claus."
We really have no idea when Jesus was born, as if God planned it that way in order that we would concentrate on his death and resurrection, which we can date exactly.
It strikes me as strange as well, that so many people are happy to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, but despise the man who died on the cross for them.
One thing is for sure, Christmas isn't about Santa Claus."
The Why of Christmas
You celebrate nativity;
I came to face Mount Calvary.
The reason that I first drew breath
Was that I later might taste death.
I came, God’s only earth-born Son,
To see my Father’s will be done,
And left my holy throne to give
My life for you, that you might live.
The branches of a tree will hold
Your gifts of love for young and old,
But as you gather near that tree,
Remember one that once held me.
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