Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Flat earth
by lostcerebellumIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Flat earth
It’s a Conspiracy!
Et tu?
Is it true,
What I hear of you?
You believe in this round earth view?
There’s a fool born every minute. Are you one too?
Don’t you realize this is part of a conspiracy to gain control of your mind?
Fibonacci poems to me are something new, so I’m not sure if all the lines
are supposed to rhyme, but I ran out of sounds that go oooh.
So please bear with me, as I’m doing the best I can do, and am not sure
if meter is the only concern, as in haiku, and how long do these
things go on, or is there an agreed upon limit at which one should
be through?
It would seem that a poem written in a Fibonacci sequence could go on
forever, so there must be some practical limit, or one would soon
run out of paper and time, but those of us who live on a flat
world aren’t used to things that go on and on, and I’ve noticed
that the ones I’ve read stop at a line of eight syllables, so I’m
not sure just what to do.*
*To be continued later, maybe, (but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you).
First I have to find out the rules of this game. If the eight syllable thing turns
out to be correct, please go back to the word “view” found on line six,
and stop reading there.
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