Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Time Together
Oh, how I cherish the moments we get to share.Existence seems so useless and unfulfilling alone, but
when you’re with me it’s as if your touch makes me come
alive. I feel your hands on my head, behind my neck, and
all that is discordant in me blends into perfect harmony.
When you hold me close and stroke me with your fingertips
I fairly want to burst into song. The world becomes such a
melodic place at times, that I believe those in our presence
are moved by our relationship.
We don’t get to be with each other as much I know you’d like.
I wish it could be more too, because it seems that the more time
we spend together, the better we are together. Still, I know I’m
not the only one who has claims on you, so let’s just be thankful
for what we can have.
Don’t you think we make beautiful music together?
I do so love being your guitar.
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