Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

by lostcerebellumIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Christmas

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on December 5, 2010
"I once heard a Jewish man say that he didn't understand why Christians made such a fuss about Christmas. It seemed to him that we would put more emphasis on the Easter season. I tend to agree with him.
We really have no idea when Jesus was born, as if God planned it that way in order that we would concentrate on his death and resurrection, which we can date exactly.
It strikes me as strange as well, that so many people are happy to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, but despise the man who died on the cross for them.
One thing is for sure, Christmas isn't about Santa Claus."
We really have no idea when Jesus was born, as if God planned it that way in order that we would concentrate on his death and resurrection, which we can date exactly.
It strikes me as strange as well, that so many people are happy to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, but despise the man who died on the cross for them.
One thing is for sure, Christmas isn't about Santa Claus."
The Why of Christmas
You celebrate nativity;
I came to face Mount Calvary.
The reason that I first drew breath
Was that I later might taste death.
I came, God’s only earth-born Son,
To see my Father’s will be done,
And left my holy throne to give
My life for you, that you might live.
The branches of a tree will hold
Your gifts of love for young and old,
But as you gather near that tree,
Remember one that once held me.
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