Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on May 23, 2011
"Mercury thermostats have been outlawed because they’re so dangerous to our health and the environment, though I’ve never known one to leak, and they’re mounted solidly to the wall, thus unlikely to break. But now incandescent bulbs are banned and we’re expected to replace them with CFLs, which contain mercury and are highly likely to break, pretty much calling for a person to evacuate his house. I don’t like that, so I thought I’d try LEDs. You should have seen my wife’s reaction when I spent $40 for one 60 watt equivalent bulb.
Hence this poem
Hence this poem
Out With the Old (light bulbs, that is)
In days gone by we had the sun,And candle light when day was done.
Old Sol would settle in the west
And we’d lie down to get some rest.
Then came the incandescent light
That let us stay up through the night.
Now fossil fuels are running low,
So incandescent bulbs must go,
And soon the stores will only sell
Us LEDs and CFLs.
I fear the CFLs might break
And spoil our precious lands and lakes.
And, “Mr. Banker, if you please,
A loan to buy some LEDs?”
Technology is really grand!
I wonder how much I can stand?
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