Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on June 8, 2011
"It’s interesting to hear how different people talk of death. What really strikes me funny is the way different people refer to dying. Passed on is a term that refers to the fact that we don’t really cease to exist at death, but go on to another realm.
The odd thing is that those who believe in the afterlife frequently refer to "death", using a term that more or less implies that things end, while people who think that death is the end often use the term “passed”, or “passed on”. I sometimes wonder why people choose the terms that they do."
The odd thing is that those who believe in the afterlife frequently refer to "death", using a term that more or less implies that things end, while people who think that death is the end often use the term “passed”, or “passed on”. I sometimes wonder why people choose the terms that they do."
Passed On
It seems that someone died today,“Passed on,” the words I heard them say.
And, as I pondered what I’d heard,
I wondered at the choice of words.
In contrast to, “He’s dead and gone”,
“Passed on” implies life carries on.
And is that what they meant to say,
Or does it just sound nice that way?
Do they believe he’s facing God,
Gone on to get his last reward?
Or just avoid the thought of death,
Of drawing that one final breath?
“Passed on”. It slips between our jaws.
Those words give hope. Those words give pause.
“Passed on” could make us weep or sing--
Those words with that eternal ring.
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