Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on February 14, 2014
"My wife has really asked me this more than once, so I’ve actually given it some thought. Though I’ve known several wonderful women (most of whom, like my wife, have no conception of how exceptional they are), I really can’t imagine being as content married to any them, as I am to my wife. So this is a true-to-life poem."
My One and Only
My dear, I know that you don’t think you’re much,But I’m the one who lives with you each day.
I get to feel your gentle, loving touch,
And benefit from all your selfless ways.
And when you’ve asked I could be content
If married to another one than you,
I’ve told you that there’s no room for dissent,
The answer’s “no”.
And I believe it’s true.
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