Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on April 6, 2014
"In the spring a young man’s likely to be quoting “Locksley Hall”
Even though the chances are he’s never heard of it at all.
Odd that “Locksley Hall” is considered one of Tennyson’s less well known works though it must be one of his most quoted, especially at this time of year.
Even though the chances are he’s never heard of it at all.
Odd that “Locksley Hall” is considered one of Tennyson’s less well known works though it must be one of his most quoted, especially at this time of year.
Spring, Love, and Locksley Hall
“In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love,”Wrote Lord Alfred, when he penned the line you see in quotes above.
Most of us have felt the tears from love like cousin Amy had,
Joy and rapture, then the sense that never more would we be glad.
Now I find I much prefer the kind of love that’s not so light,
Love abiding through the seasons, less dramatic in its height.
Older now, the “young man’s fancy” surely can’t apply to me,
Still, somehow, the love I know is much more satisfactory.
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