Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on August 27, 2016
"Maybe it's because I'm not young anymore, but very few times of the year seem just right.
It seems like August is freezing in the morning and unbearably hot by noon. It's been so hot and so sticky for so long this summer, yet I know that in a few months I'll be longing for warm weather again, all the while realizing that it will bring more bugs and sweat. "
It seems like August is freezing in the morning and unbearably hot by noon. It's been so hot and so sticky for so long this summer, yet I know that in a few months I'll be longing for warm weather again, all the while realizing that it will bring more bugs and sweat. "
Seasons of Pessimism
It’s time for scorching August afternoons,And chilly nights beneath late summer moons.
It won’t be long until September days,
When frost will shortly be upon the way.
The dark and cold will spread the sights of death,
And we will curse the winter’s frigid breath.
So, anxiously, we’ll wait the birth of spring,
And then revile the heat that summer brings.
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