Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on September 1, 2016
"After my harsh words about winter in my last post, perhaps I should make it clear that I don't absolutely hate it. Winter isn't all bad, especially if you're young. And even an old geezer can find some redeeming features in it. If he tries really hard.
So, in the interest of fairness and balance, a rebuttal of sorts."
So, in the interest of fairness and balance, a rebuttal of sorts."
Winter Treasures
How beautiful the frosty feathered veinsThat spread across the winter window panes.
Long crystal spires of ice hang upside down,
And sparkle more than jewels in a crown.
Small sunlit gems of snow glint all around,
Like myriads of diamonds on the ground.
Expensive jeweled necklaces and rings
Would be hard-pressed to match this winter bling.
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