Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on April 12, 2017
"This week's poetry prompt: write a love poem to an object. A tree was one suggestion."
Love Poem to a Tree
The winter winds will strip you bare and flog you after fall,But months of cold and dark will find that you’re still standing tall.
Then, as your buds turn into leaves, and winter turns to spring,
Your branches make a lovely home for birds to nest and sing.
And, when the season changes and the sun begins to beat
Upon my head, you spread your boughs and shade me from the heat.
As summer ends and autumn brings its dreary, dying days,
You’ll thrill me when your leaves put on their dazzling displays.
So, prompted as I am this week, to write some poetry,
What words could properly express my love for you, dear tree?
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