Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by lostcerebellum on October 20, 2017
"I always hate to see the cold coming, but two things I do like about fall are the lack of mosquitoes and the brilliant colors of the trees. "
Tree Stand
The sun moves south and summer starts to wane,And life up north begins to feel the pain.
We miss the feel of balmy summer’s eve.
Approaching cold can almost make us grieve.
As if they’d like to keep us from dismay,
The trees put forth a dazzling display.
While grass and flowers meekly die below,
The trees fight back with such a splendid show.
Then, needing rest, they quietly retreat,
But not as if to signal their defeat.
They fall back for a breathing spell, but then,
It’s with the pledge that they’ll be back again.
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