Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by AlmanME on October 30, 2011
"Wrote this one as a teenager. Just more fun with ideas and rhymes."
Descending to the deepest pitAscending to the sky
Groveling in the mud and dirt
And through the clouds to fly
Whistling along the narrow path
Hurtling down the road
Skipping light without a care
Burdened with a load
Flighty as a feather
Solemn as the grave
High and mighty as a King
Mischievous as a knave
Healthy as a horse, they say
Sick as local leper
Bland and tasteless as the ground
Seasoned with salt and pepper
Smooth as newly polished glass
Rough as old tree bark
Off the center, wide and high
Squarely on the mark
Totally agreeing
At odds with one another
This is the last line of all.
For I will not write another.
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