Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by AlmanME on December 16, 2011
"I have never tried the Villanelle form before and I tried to do this one in the 15 minutes. Be merciful, it may be a little rough but it was fun to stretch in a new form."
Conquering Child
The empty grave shines brightly on the childIn manger laying hopeful in the dark
The conquering king who's born an infant mild
The shepherds are amazed and quite beguiled
By angels singing and to whom they hark
The conquering king who's born an infant mild
Though all around Him hist'ry will be wild
And men will seek to leave their own great mark
The empty grave shines brightly on the child
In infant we to God are reconciled
He took our sin and blots out every mark
The conquering king who's born an infant mild
From birth to death by many much reviled
And thought by some to be in death and dark
The empty grave shines brightly on the child
The conquering king who's born an infant mild
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